So that's it. This is the end of the training. And I really, really hope that those are valuable tips and guidelines that will help you to be more successful in your career that you can even dream of being. It is quite hard to be fair to give a training on how to be successful in your career, because it highly depends on you highly depends on your company in your environment. And you know, there is an element of being at the right place at the right time and maybe even with the right manager to be more successful than others. Yet, I tend to strongly believe that you are empowered and you are in control of your career.
And you can highly influence your destiny and your future by applying the principles that are presented to you. There are many other ways in which you can further develop your careers. And I think that if already you start with those It will start triggering new creative ideas new creative options for you to go even further. So, get started, take action and be passionate about personal development. Like I said in the intro, this is a training that I wish to give one days when they to my employees and say this is me and this is what is important to me and this is what has made me successful. So please apply this and share with us your successes.
I wish you all the best in your career and joy, add value contribute, show who you are, be your authentic self and make it happen. be visible. It starts now. You are in charge