So continuing down the right hand panel, the next tab is the keyword list. So we just looked at key wording now we're looking at the keyword list. So the keyword list shows us a long list of all the keywords currently in use in this particular catalog. And if we wanted to search and just seeing images with that keyword, we can just click that little arrow. See, as I mouse over, we've got a little arrow that appears there. And we can click on it and just see the images with that keyword.
So Mount Fuji, click and bang, we've got all those shots there. If we wanted to go to Hong Kong, we just click there and we're in Hong Kong. And if we wanted to go to Paris, we just click there and we're in Paris. And if we wanted to look at cherry blossoms or a Sakura, we click there. So that's one feature in the keyword list. It gives us the ability to search on particular keywords.
It also gives us the ability to manage our keywords to delete unused keywords or to add keywords and so forth. But another really Kind of powerful thing it does is it gives us the ability to create keyword hierarchies. Now, keyword hierarchies are pretty fiddly business, but they can be quite useful. So let me just show you the theory behind keyword hierarchies. So let's say for example, I've just been to Bali. And I want to add the keywords Bali, Indonesia, and Indonesia.
So I could go up and I could add those keywords individually. But what I'm going to do here is I'm going to grab, I'm going to go down to get my keyword, Indonesia, which should be down here. And I'm just going to drag it up to Asia. And I'm going to drop it on Asia. So now look, it didn't want to go there. Let me just try that one more time.
Why did it resist that? Where am I Indonesia. So I drag it up here. And I take it on to Asia, and I drop it on and now it's become a hierarchy. So Asia, Indonesia, because Indonesia is in Asia, of course. So now I'm going to grab Bali and I'm going to drag and drop Bali on to India.
Asia. So now I've created this hierarchy because Indonesia, Bali is in Indonesia, Indonesia is in Asia. And that's nicely set up to go. So the theory is now I don't need to type these three keywords, I simply apply Bali and it will apply all the keywords above. So if I were to go to my keywording tab, and I were to type let's go to an image that doesn't have that keyword actually like, I'll just go to a image in where are we let's go to just spine for a moment just to illustrate this. Now if I add Bali there, you'll see the keyword Valley gets added, but not the other keywords that were part of the hierarchy.
So I'm just going to go command Zed and go back step. Now i'm not i'm just going to go in there and delete Bali again. Now what I need to do to utilize keywords, I need to change this menu here from ntk words to keywords and containing keywords. And now I can't type in here, you'll see I have Add them in here. So watch what happens when I add Bali. Now, I add the key word Bali, hit Enter.
And you can see it also adds Indonesia and Asia. So keywords and containing keywords. So this is utilizing the keyword hierarchy system. So I'm just going to undo that, because obviously I don't want those keywords there. So I'm going to go back to enter keywords. And you can see we don't when I mean enter keywords mode, you don't actually see the containing keywords, you have to be in the other mode for that.
So keyword hierarchies can be useful. But a word of warning keyword hierarchies can cause a bit of trouble if you're working across multiple catalogs. And I've done this myself where I had a quite a complex keyword hierarchy system set up in one catalog. Then I created a new catalog while I was overseas in Cambodia, and I entered a whole bunch of keywords to that catalog. Then I imported it into my main catalog when I got home. And because the hierarchies weren't When not identical, I got also all sorts of duplications of keywords.
And it was, it was, it was actually a nightmare trying to pull it all had to delete certain keywords, reapply them, pull all my hierarchies apart. So I've since decided not to use keyword hierarchies, I'd prefer to just keep my keywords flat. So the way you pull them apart again, I'm going to grab Bali, pull it out, and see when I got there, see the little blue line that appears at the top, I just drop it there and it's there. Pull Indonesia out, look for a little blue line, drop it there. And now I've disassembled my keyword hierarchies. So keyword hierarchies can be very powerful and useful if you're doing a lot of dense keywording with many, many layers, but you really need to stay on top of your game and make sure you don't unwittingly end up creating duplicated keywords because it can be a bit of a headache.
So that's keyword hierarchies in the keyword list and we can also do keyword searches in the keyword list. But in the next video, I'm going to show you The library filter, which is probably a better way to do keyword searches as well, but certainly lots of options for how you go about identifying your images.