How to structure your routine. How you set up your daily routine of movements is important, because if you do not set this up in a way that is conducive to your lifestyle, schedule and personality, you may find yourself becoming overwhelmed and feel like you want to quit. I recommend that you create a schedule where you block out the times you're going to be engaging in your movement training at least three times a day. Sooner or later, it will become second nature and more of an intuitive process, allowing you to ease up on the strictness of it for for now this will help you stay organized and set intentional habits while keeping track of your progress. So how should we divide up the movements? Ideally, we want to aim for at least three short movement sessions per day.
If you have a desk job ideally you should be taking short movement breaks every day. 90 minutes. Walking is also a key part of the rehabilitation process that we have not yet touched on. If you can, please try to dedicate at least one movement session to walking. I'm going to show you two different approaches on how to organize your movement sessions. Ideally, I would like to develop your own approach.
However, these will guide you in the right direction. Approach one, pick two areas of the body to focus on per day, and then rotate them throughout the week with rest days in between. approach to pick 123 movements from each category and perform them throughout the day, hitting all focus areas. then perform different movements from each category the following day. Good luck. I look forward to Seeing you in 103 you got this