Elegant Shinyoung. In order to capture the flow and movement of this design, I recommend using hot rollers. After they're cool, you're going to pick a parting and then you're going to section the hair forward. If your client has layers or the hairs not as long, you might want to take a little bit more from the back. split, not part, the back into two ponytails, you don't want to line showing in the finished design. And then look down notice the green circle.
But you do ponytails up at the top and then at another point he tail down the bottom Simple, easy peasy. You take the bottom elastic and you bring it over to the side and pin it above that left ponytail. And you're going to do the same on the underside and just leave the ends for now. I'm going to take the left front section and smooth it, try to get some nice swirl in there and bring it to the back and pin it. And on the right section because of the parting, you're going to split that into smooth it, draw it back one at a time, and pin it into the back. Now you can begin creating your curls.
How simple is this up do and how stunning shape your ends into pin curls. And the bulk is all held up by ponytails and a few bobby pins. A very easy In elegant design, I like to show the hairstyle naked setup for a bride and here we have New Year's Eve with some feathers. Thanks for watching