I want to do is just smooth outside and the underneath, but I'm leaving all that T's in the middle. Just makes it easy to work with a little bit of want to just pop on the top of the syncro at least for now I might change my mind Sound incorporating those ends and I'm going to go into I don't want to ruin the fatness of the pin curl. And I don't want to see bobby pins in the middle of the pin curl. So I tend to follow almost like a square. So come in here and go square. So then I can pinch, I can pinch there's a body pin and I can pinch and hide it with.
Spray. So the the bulk of the middle is is done. I'm gonna go inside this pink girl and again finding this scalp gonna hurt your scalp. Okay head up. So I'm not going for full pin curl right now. It's, it's like a like a half a one.
And I'm going to because what I want to do is honest filling here where there's a hole and I want to have enough for over here. So, I'm going to just bend it over. Again. I still have a couple of spare pieces in here but what I'm trying to go for now is cemetry right from the front. Sometimes I get into it