It's time to learn our first song, Twinkle twinkle little star on the violin. We have a various amount of notes. And at this point, we should start to get comfortable being able to find where these notes are. So we're going to do a quick overview. And with the overview, I'm going to mark down some some fingers for you to make it a little bit easier for you. Okay, so we're starting with these two notes, and every single set of notes that we play our into.
So I look at one note, I play one bone, I look at the other note and I go the opposite way on my bone. So if I know where my open strings are, e or first string, second, second string, a, so I went from the east string and I skipped a space. One more in space. down, I find my second string from my second string a, I go from there, and I take it and I go skip a space I go down. Now I know that these two notes are my open D string. So I'm going to above it right, zero, and zero.
If I have those two zeros, I want to play two opens in row zero simply mean opens. And what string Am I going to play him on. I'm going to play the third string open. So I'm going to write a little three. You can see that in there. Now.
Now that I have two opens here, what's my next two notes and these are these two notes right here. So if I have my open first string, I skip a space my second open string, I can see that these two notes are on my second open String A. So I'm going to write 00 here. But I'm going to write a little bitty two, if you can see that in your dealing device, that's those both say two's. So open open, followed by open open. But there are two on two different strings, the third string and then the second string.
So on my violin, my third string is 123, the third biggest string, and I simply play those two times. First time, second time. Now, when I play again, I'm trying to only hit that third string when I play those first two notes. first note that I see the second note that I see first of the VC second note that I see. Now I'm going to move by way up As a string, so how I am able to play these is I moved my elbow down slightly. And then I find myself that because I moved it down, I'm not too far that I hit my Eastern, but I'm now on my a string and I played down and up again.
So I've taught these two notes together I have open, open, open, open, open D string, open A string, third string, second string. Okay, now we're moving on. Not only have these two notes open, what is here, these two notes, these these pair of notes here. Now, when we're looking at these notes we're thinking about, I know where my open string is. So once I find my open string, I'm going to go up from it and say Hey, how many spaces or lines isn't a way for my open string. And since this is one line or space above where my open string was, I'm going to put my first finger on a second string a says this is higher than the A string, these ones are, but they're not so high that it's above where my Eastern is, I know that they're on my a string.
So these two notes, I'm going to play with my first finger on the A string, two of them in a row. So if I play all of these three sets of notes together, I count them 123456 notes. I'm gonna play it open, open, open, open, one, one, open, open on the D string, open open on a string, one one on a string. So let's play him together and 321 and All right. Moving on, we have some of the same notes that we've already played before. And if we kind of figure out where they are, we can look back and say, Hey, if I already figured out some of these notes, Yes, I did.
I can find these notes by finding my open string, first open string, and go to my second open string, or simply know that I've already done this work once by figuring out and saying, Oh, this is an open string, and it's my second string. Put the little two in there to let you know that that's the second string open. Now, all of these notes, from here on down will be on your third string D. If I find my D note, here it is again, they're the space below the bar. spaced on my staff. And once I go from D, I go up one liner space. And these would be my first fingers.
I, if these are my first fingers, I go up one liner space to these notes. And so now it's a two. From here I go one liner space again, and that's going to be a three. So let me write these out from the bottom, open string first. Open, open, and I'm going to put a third little bitty three if you can see that. So just know that these are threes.
And because I want to have one line or space from my opens, I add one to the value. And these guys are going to be ones. If this is a one, and I go one line or space above that, I add one again to the value and they those are twos. Now I go away. One line or space from A to so this is a to add one to the value, and that's going to be a three. So let's just play only this spot right here.
And we're going to forget about these opens right here, but we're only going to play 332211, open open all on the third string on the D string. So let's play these two notes first, looks like this. And then these two notes, these twos and then the ones and again, these are all on the D string. Last time, we're going to play the opens, open D string. Now we're going to play them all together. So I'm simply going to play 332211 open, open a 321 go.
Alright, so let's take a look at the whole front line again of Twinkle twinkle little star. I'm gonna play these two notes which are open and you can kind of see the open circles above there. Yeah. Then my second string open here. These are ones so I'm going to put the first finger on my a string. These are opens again, because I've already figured out the a over here I can use the same information again, these are opens on my second string.
And then we just got done practicing this little part, three, three, high, too high, too. One one open, open, so it's going to be three, three. That's right here, then the high two, then a one, regular one, ending with D open. Alright, so we're gonna play this nice and slow, only the first line, and I'm gonna play it first for you. So you can hear it all the way through. On the second time go ahead and play it with me.
So try to come in right exactly as I as I come in. So we have example first Ready, go. All right, good job. And next lesson, we're going to be tackling the bottom line. And we'll get together in the next lesson. We'll see you there.