Hello and welcome to the second tutorial in the swift basics tutorial series. And in this part we'll be looking at the print line function. So let's just open up our project. And by default, you already have a print line is print ln, which stands for print line. So we'll just get rid of this and redo it. print line allows you to print some text to a console, you can include variables in this mathematical calculation, we'll be covering variable in the next tutorial.
Or if you just do print, ln IntelliSense kicks in and you can specify some text or a variable. You open close bracket specifies in takoma say, this is a line. You just run it and there we go. So this is a line. You can put a semicolon at the end, if that's what you're used to from many other languages that will Was semicolons are unnecessary in Swift, but you can put them in if that is in it. It has a habit of your which it is for me.
So that's it for print line it literally is that simple. In the next tutorial we're going to cover variables if you have any questions feel free to message us at support at sono system calm okay? The email will be in the description description. You can comment on this video directly messages via YouTube. Thanks for watching and have a nice day.