The second thing that we want you to look for when you're doing yourself analysis is energy. Energy is so important. Nobody wants to sit here and listen to somebody who talks in the same time, it will over the place, and they're really, really boring. You guys are gonna fall asleep within about 10 minutes. energy energy is what makes an engaging speaker. You've got to show some passion, you've got to show that you're actually care about what you say, if you aren't showing energy.
If you aren't showing passionate about something, then no, why would anyone else I want you to do we activity with me. So this is another one of those. Hey, don't worry about who's watching. Let's just do it. I'm gonna get you to say I'm speaking with enthusiasm and energy. And the first time I want you to say it.
Let's all do it together. I want you to curl up into a little ball. I'm not sure if you can see me. I want you to curl into a ball as much as you possibly can get your chin right down. Write them and say, I'm speaking with a foodie ism and eating really hot, right? Let's try it slightly different this time, I want you to stand up.
But I want you to slump. I want you to slump down and really let yourself go. And I want you to say it to the ground on speaking with enthusiasm and energy. Now, I want you to do it standing up, but I want you to have your chin apply, I want you to have your chest out, I want you to have your arms out. And I want you to say it with a bit of patience. I'm speaking with enthusiasm and energy.
See how it's getting easier as a body language is, is kind of mirroring it. Last one, I want you to stand up and a biggie. We're going to get really wide and I want you to shout it to the world. I'm speaking with enthusiasm and energy. How much easier is it when our body is showing the energy as well as our voice? So thanks About how are you standing What are you doing and how is it impacting how energetic you are?
So three things here, get ready and fillers speak with the energy practice your your tongue twisters get that announced ation right and do this time and time again