This week you're going to work on playing the drum fills from last week, coming to it from the rock pattern and going back to the rock pattern. We're going to work on this by playing one bar of the rock pattern and the one bar drum fill and then back to one bar of the rock pattern. One, two, ready, go. 1231234 Tom, Tom. Let's try it again. One, two, ready?
Go. 123424 Tom's next Snipes. There, Tom. Go again. One, two. Ready?
Go. 1231234 snare top snare Tom. Now see if you can do it four times in a row. One, two, ready? Go. 1234 times six there Tom.
One, two teams. Tom's Tom's Tom's next there, Tom. I want you to try putting in this Phil at the end of the four bars. Along with the track. One, two, ready? Go 123423433 to four snare tops their top 32343231234 snare Tom.
So, Tom. Let's try that again. One, two, ready, go. 1342234323 Or 1234 snare Tom's Nick there Tom 223423412 defeat for snare Tom's Nick there, Tom