Number stay. Let us learn about productivity. Those are body types as per Master cherica. Faculty is the nature of a person. It is decided during time of conception. The physical and mental characteristics that we inherit from our parents can be classified into specific types based on trade OSHA is what OSHA because OSHA and OSHA muster taraka has explained about prakruti in the context of patient examination, he considers prakruti as the first among many factors that should be examined in a patient.
All the references of this section are taken from jerrica Samhita Rhea ties women's Tana section, the eighth chapter, let us learn about factors that influence dosha body types. Master tilaka has explained four factors that influence the determination Have those are body type first, chakra Sunita prakruti Chakra can mean someone shown it that means over health us permission or one determine the physical and mental attributes of the fetus. The genetical composition of parents is passed on to the fetus through sperm and so it is very important for the couple to maintain perfect health and stay away from bad habits such as smoking and alcohol. While they are planning for conception, I or whether recommends a specific set of treatments to both husband and wife before the plan for baby. The treatment is called Waze Corona it helps to enhance the health of parents in general and also to improve the quality of sperm an omen next second factor that influences those are body type as per mastered circa ease Darla garba prakruti Kala means season garden Pasha means womb or uterus.
The quality and the hygiene of room that we live in has a direct impact on our health. Similarly, reproductive health of the mother and environment within the uterus has a direct impact and influence on the physical and mental nature of the fetus are in other words, the influence the dosa, body type of the fetus must occur Pani explains different seasons have dominance of different doses. So the season in which the conception happens also has influence on those body types. conception means fusion of sperm and over the next valid factor that influences determination of busha body type is Mathura. Aha. vihara prakriti moto means mother.
Aha means foot. We had our means activities, diet and lifestyle of pregnant woman directly influence the health of the fetus. For example, smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of birth defects and respiratory problems in the child. Hence, rules for pregnancy healthcare are well planned out in great detail in either weather. fourth factor that influences the dose or body type is Mahabharata. vichara.
Prakriti. Mahabharata means five basic elements either believes that all the substances are made up of five basic elements called Maha Buddha or pancha Maha Buddha, Punjab means five. This one's a Maha Buddha, our earth, water, fire, air and ether. dominance of these elements in the fetus determines that those are body types if Earth and water elements are dominant, then The baby will have Kapha dosha body type. If fire and water elements are dominant, then pick the body type. And if air and ether are dominant, then the baby will have water body type.
Summing up all four factors that influence determination of dosha body types first one is the nature of sperm and then season of conception health of the parents reproductive health of pregnant mother and health of the uterus, diet and lifestyle of pregnant woman and dominance of five basic elements. All these contribute to the determination of bracketry are those are body type as per master circa circa explains seven dohsa body types. They are single those are types in number, water, prakruti, Pitta and cough up recruiting. Do we have those body types again, three in number What up Victor prakruti, Pitta Kapha prakruti and Waka flocka tutti and then the seventh type is three those are body type or some of those prakriti sama means equal or perfect balance. Here all three doshas was happy and Kapha dosha are in perfect balance that is that is the percent each