Let us sum up all the Kapha attributes as explained by master checker skin off gaffa individual is soft, signing smart and tender. This is due to uncurious quality of governance. Due to smooth polished gentleness and tender qualities prefer body parts are smooth, tender and soft. Kapha person has dominant reproductive tissues, excessive sexual activities, and he usually has many children. This is due to sweet taste quality of Kapha dosha. due to high essence quality of Kava, the Kapha individual has energetic and stable body parts due to high density property.
All body parts and internal organs are well nourished and well developed due to slowness and viscous qualities of Kapha dosha the activities in a Kaffir arson are slow and gaffa individual takes food slowly and he also speaks slowly. The stability quality of calf a person makes her slow to initiate auch or slow to initiate any work. They are slow to get irritated and slow to get affected with any negativity both physically and mentally negativity in terms of habits or health issues due to heaviness quality, the cafe individuals have strong bones and muscles and their body movements and walk is slow and steady due to cold quality coffee individual feels less thirst and hunger, less burning sensation and less sweating. Behind agers feel comfortable with hot foodstuffs and hot weather. Due to slimy and smearing nature. The Giants of copper suns are well built strong, firm and well oiled.
The clarity and purity qualities makes the whole person to have a pleasant look with clear skin well demarcated bones and muscles clean symmetrical face with well developed chin, forehead, long, thick, shiny hair, glowing skin and well oiled, clear and pleasant Weiss golf a person is bestowed with good strength, wealth, knowledge, immunity, calmness and long lifespan. So that's it about master chakras explanation of the upper body type. Next, type feature fitters, asper, mustard, silica, mustard silica and lists qualities of bitter dosa as wishna hotness takes nice sharpness and strong drama liquidity with a foul smell. amla sour, Gato pungent and spicy. Mustard Celica explains because of how hardness quality with the body types will be pushed now as a ha that cannot tolerate hotness, hot weather hot foodstuffs, Woosnam aka, the oral cavity of with individuals and face will be very one. Their body is warmer when compared to other body types.
Next sukumar our da Capra, their body is bender and good looking producer with blue venga. Dilip indica ha PETA individuals have lots of freckles, watts, whiteheads, blackheads, malls, and so on. Most of the skin disorders are due to vitiated blood tissue, and then picked up person blood vitiation can happen quickly with that and blood tissue are directly related hands with that individuals face may get afflicted with skin lesions with even slight increase of Pitta dosha next Should we pass our one haha due to hotness whipped up people feel excess hunger and thirst. Next chipra Valley skin wrinkles faster in PETA people due to excess hotness skin loses moisture quickly and wrinkles appear fast with that people are more prone to anger outbursts and pensions so they have more wrinkles on their face due to tension and stress. Next chipra paleta early graying of hairs This is mainly due to excess hotness, lack of moisture and lack of oiliness in hair.
Next ship protocol pa early loss of hair usually coldness and oiliness improve the quality of hairs due to hotness pick the person loses hair early stress and anxiety in PETA people can lead to gray hairs and hair loss next murder pakka painless, mushroom Loma Acacia care moustache and body has of paper person our soft scanty and brown mustard Erica explains do to teach the quality that is strong and sour qualities of Pitta dosha. With that record the individuals are the sniper grandma they are brave with gatorades and whaler Tikka Agni, and women's digestion stunt with that can be understood as fire element with the individuals how very strong digestion strength. Next Buta Asana panna is that people eat and drink excessively. This is largely due to a very good and strong digestion strength. Next glacier as a histone beta individuals cannot tolerate stress, pain or grief.
This is why people are more prone to anxiety Anger outbursts, throwing tantrums etc. They are very sensitive in nature. Next, Dundas shuka with the individuals always meant one or the other things. This is due to high level of hunger.