The next tool we're going to talk about is power language and movement. And this comes from none other, but the amazing Tony Robbins. So when you want to change your mind or an emotion, so say you're stuck in a rut and you're, you're going through all the cycles and you're just kind of in that negative funk. The easiest most rapid way to change that is to change your body to shift your body to move it around, because emotion comes from motion. So a simple way that you can do this. If this is if you are feeling scared or you're feeling anxious about having to do something, what you can do, really simple is stand up straight and put your hands on your hips for two minutes.
That's it just two minutes. And with this simple exercise, your testosterone levels whether you are a male or female are going to increase by 20%. And your cortisol level drops. Which is the stress inducing hormone, it will drop by 15% and just in this simple two minute exercise, this can rapidly shift your mindset. Another way that you can use power language and movement is by standing up and kind of I mean you kind of look silly doing it but it actually works pretty well is you know, standing up getting your blood going and you know going crazy with your arms, some people will you know, you know, strike on their chest or just kind of put your hands all up in the air and just kind of make crazy sounds and voices really to get you amped up like what you know the athletes do after a touchdown or what you know a team will do before a game or something along those lines, these will produce the those good feeling emotions.
So that is why power language and movement is so, so powerful. Another way that you can incorporate this Just doing 32nd tense parties, you know blasting some Taylor Swift shake it off and just going at it in your in your kitchen when no one's around or when someone is around this helps. This gets you out of that funk. This will really quickly get you out of a state of anxiety or depression or whatever the case may be.