The sixth element is additional mindset conditioning. Now you're probably like, Oh my God, we already went through this. But mindset is everything. Our mindset is what creates our reality. It creates our belief system, it creates everything. So it's so important to make sure that having a positive mindset is one of our goals in our everyday life.
And, you know, I'm not saying to do mindset, reprogramming work for eight hours a day, obviously, you can't do that. But I'm saying to bring it into those little snippets, snippets of time, where you have a couple of minutes to focus on more mindset conditioning. And this means you know, if you're waiting online, do mindset conditioning, if this means if you're waiting for a doctor's appointment, or whatever the case may be when you have that extra time and you know, this mindset work can be just stating in your head like, I am abundant, I am a money making magnet, I am successful. I am you know, I am a five k runner, whatever the case may be, you keep on feeding these positive affirmations to yourself and to your mind, your life is going to shift. Another way that you can bring in some additional mindset conditioning is through pulling Oracle cards.
You know, if you're not really into the whole I'm not really that spiritual, that's fine. There are so many decks that are more for personal development and some of them are the universe has your back and the super attractor decks by Gabrielle Bernstein and they have beautiful, beautiful illustrations on them. There's also the law of attraction deck by Abraham Hicks. There's also some wonderful affirmation cards by Louise Hay whatever the case may be, you know you can always find Some place or some time in your day where you can just add more mindset conditioning. And it's really super important because God our mind can play tricks on us guys. You are not alone.
Trust me. We have to be the master of our own minds and this is through mindset reprogramming.