In this course about Lyme disease, let us focus on the fourth lecture which has to do with the bacteria that causes Lyme disease. bacteria that causes Lyme disease is a sprockie. That word comes from the root word spiral. spiral kids are more tile Gram negative bacteria. However, unlike other Gram negative bacteria that have abundance of LPs sparkies have an abundance of surface level proteins. Not only that, but starter kits are known to have an endo flagella that is a flagella located inside the cell.
The bacterias name borrelia burgdorferi derives from the Discover relief and offer glycoproteins can be found in the outer surface of the membrane in the PERI plasmic space, and also in the inner membrane of the bacteria. In this lecture, we will focus on the outer surface coatings, especially on our spray, and I'll see here is a representation of the bacteria in the length. And shown in light blue is the flagella. And it's responsible for the motility of the bacteria. Shown here the cross section of the bacteria showing the location in the PERI plasmic space that is inside the cells within the outer and inner membrane have looked at the structure let's focus on the transmission of bacteria. This presentation is just another way to study the transmission of Berea between the ticker and human force as the morphing of the pig across the different seasons, man becomes the inadvertent cause of a tick that carries the bacteria and then causes lung disease.
Shown here is the mouse or the reservoir for the smokey with an uninfected larva feeds on the interested mouse, it becomes infected and it molds into a name that means then Please, post therefore gunsmithing Lyme disease although experts have several surface level things, when the left field is transmitted from the tip to the mouse, it decreases the expression of our speed and increases the expression of asked see. And interestingly the exact opposite occurs when bacteria goes from the mouse to the pig. That is, it increases the expression of our stay and decreases the expression of Apostasy. One of the main reasons for this change in x Question of the types of surface level proteins during transmission is that pigs are cold blooded, and the holes which are mammals and birds are warm blooded animals. With this, we conclude the story of this parakeet. borrelia burgdorferi