Hi, and welcome back. This is week six guitar lessons in the music coach program. This week, you're going to be working on alternating downstreams and upstreams in both the A sections and the B sections. Now when you're alternating between up and down on your right hand, I want you to be thinking about keeping the movement always flowing, rather than thinking of it as a downstroke. That stops and then an upstroke that starts and stops for you to think about moving. Like you're a swing branch.
It's never fully stopping its movement. And this will allow the sound to have nice ringing It's a little hard to tell on the guitar sometimes is the angle that the pick is striking the strings that if you're rolling your wrist, it allows the energy pass over the strings more easily than if the pick is going straight and dragging. A little harder on the strings, it gives you more of a harder sound. And most of the time, you're going to want something that's a little more so everything when you're playing an instrument should feel relaxed and fluid even if you're playing fast and loud. It should always have a fluid feeling to it. So in the practice video this week, you're going to be working on playing half notes.
Alternating up and down, quarter notes alternating up and down in different sections. Now in ours Song. In most of the program, the tempo we're playing at is slow enough that you could play all of the chords drums as downstrokes. But in the jam room, the song can be played at two speeds that are higher than this. So you may end up wanting to alternate downstrokes and upstrokes. Just to begin have more of a fluid feeling and less frantic when you get going fast enough.
All downstrokes can be a little hard to maintain getting used to the idea of how to be a little more economical in your movement. Even though at this tempo, it's not entirely necessary. Alright, keep up the great work and we'll see in the practice video.