Hi, welcome back. This is week nine of guitar lessons in the music coach program. This week, you're going to be learning the melody for the A section of our song. We're going to use the first position scale. All the notes are part of the G scale, but we're going to start on D. So we're going to start by playing the D string open. Now a little note about hand position and mostly your thumb when you're playing individual melodies, like this are individual notes.
I want you to keep your thumb on the back of the neck close to the center, like this so you can get a good push in on the back. So we're gonna start by playing the then be again and see D, high G, F sharp, E, G again, high G, F sharp, F sharp she, F sharp, D. and then because the melody runs in a circle, your next note is going to be B which is the beginning of the next part of the A section. Here's the melody one more time. B, C, D, F sharp, F sharp, F sharp, G, F sharp. And when you're learning the melody at first, worry mostly about getting the right notes in the right place. And as you become more confident with it when you're playing along with the practice video, listen for the phrasing that the saxophone is playing.
Because the melody, it moves, it has its own shape and phrasing that is not rigid or stiff, it's flowing. Again, like we talked about with the strumming hand. Always remember that everything in music is always moving, that nothing is really ever standing still, and try and feel the shape of the melody as you're playing it. Right, excellent work and we'll see you in the practice video.