Hi, Dr. Sandy here, helping you tame your sugar Gremlin. Today, we're ordering your sugar grandon a round of drinks as part of the liquidate section. So the million dollar question do sugar gremlins drink alcohol? Well, elephants have been known to. Before we continue, we do need to separate the alcohol from the mixer, which often includes hefty doses of sugar. Because while truth be told, you don't drink alcohol for the taste, you drink it.
For the bass. It's often necessary to kill the taste with daily could a room is produced by the fermentation crew or an little sugar. And we already know, a little sugar all in one go. upsets body chemistry. But unlike other parts of you, sugar gremlins don't get much of a buzz from the alcohol. But they do get hangovers.
There are consequences. Maybe they also see pink elephants after a drink or two. So what is the deal with your sugar Gremlin and booze? Well, rule number one. If you drink alcohol, make sure you feed yourself. Drinking on an empty stomach is a recipe for ruse because the absence of food causes alcohol to swish through the stomach flesh pass the liver and head directly To your brain without passing begin and steeping your brain in alcohol brings both the buzz and the bang.
But that's another story. Once you get going, you can actually focus on the eating. This is what alcoholics do. Your body is actually able to use the alcohol is fuel, the liver breaks down the alcohol into ketones. Initially, the guys in the arc, they're aware of the potty that's happening in the nucleus accumbens. high alcohol is one of those things that's very good at buying tickets for the theme Bach, but everything appears fine.
The liver is able to juggle things when there's only a little alcohol. But as the blood levels start to rise This situation changes the body cells or at least being taken care of. They're fueling up on the alcohol fumes. But the brain cells don't run so good on ketones. brain cells need sugar. And at some point, the penny drops.
Usually around the time the partying stops, the brain suddenly tweaks, it's low on sugar, it's suffering an energy crisis and the hunger neurons fire off, bringing on a sugar Gremlin moment. starchy things are often the preferred cop after an active heavy drinking detail. Mark last entrepreneurs. Of course the next morning, can see a little appetite to trouble and upset lover is not that interested in food. And certainly not that receptive to sugar Gremlin promptings. But this too, shall pass.
Join me for the last lesson in the liquidate section. We finally answer the question. What should you order to drink if you want to tame your sugar Gremlin