Welcome back. This is pillar three of the home section of vibrant health. We're going to talk about space now in our home. When we think of space, we often think right away of clutter and clutter has a big impact on our health. Not only does it make it hard to clean, it also increases our stress. It reduces our sense of well being.
It leads to unhealthier eating, poor mental health. It impacts our thinking and visual processing, and it costs us more. So it's really important to take some time to declutter and make some space in your home. First, I'd love for you to walk through your home Is there any object painting or furniture that you see that makes you cringe? Get rid of it. Or if it's something like a sofa that you can't replace right away?
Can a slipcover help? Or can you reapply foster it? By taking out the things in your home that cause you to have negative emotions right away, you're lifting yourself up and making yourself feel more positive. The second step is to set aside time each day we're talking 10 to 15 minutes to declutter one small area of your home. It could be a junk drawer, a sock drawer, one section of your pantry. Get everyone involved if you can.
And you'll see that over the course of a month. The cumulative effort will be amazing. Another great tip is to start a donation box by the door. Add one thing or more if you want each day to that donation box and be sure to empty it out each week. Do this for a minimum of 30 days, and you'll be so amazed of the impact that you've made on your home in space. Remember, when you create space for yourself, that's enjoyable for you to be in, you're more likely to have overall positive experiences in your life, eat healthier, have better relationships, and create space to invite the things that really support you in your goals and in your health.
Next step, we'll be talking about the importance of nature in your home. See you there.