I urgently made this video to support my friends and community. Hope this video course would help many people.
21 days Financial Challenge: Welcome to my change your life in 21 days series - COVID-19 Relief Cash Flow Budgeting Video Course.
Hi, My name is Yukiko Sato. I am a zero-waste expert based in NYC and founder of SnowSugar Video and TeSage Dream Solutions. I started my career as a professional wardrobe stylist. Now I help other self-employed persons who make a living doing what they love to make better decisions about their financial goals. The original idea of this video course was to share my financial story of how I plan to get out of business debt. Because of this coronavirus emergency situation, most people face a cash flow issue. I have adjusted the course to help everyone to benefit and to make a future financial plan. In the current situation, your income may be sporadic or unpredictable, but your expenses will never go away. You worry that you may not have enough cash to pay the bills when they come due. What you will learn from this video course I will share the process that you can use to manage your cash flow and take control of your financial life.
What will you learn in this course?
Most people are not comfortable working with numbers and spreadsheets. So, I created an easy worksheet for you to fill out step by step. By the time you are done, you will see the organized financial story that makes you feel relief. No worries if you are prepared. So, please close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Then start my video course, one lesson at the time. Please believe in yourself and your future will be brighter.