Random sampling is a method of selecting parts of a statistical population in such a way that every possible person that could be selected has the same chance of being selected. An example would be putting the names of all 200 employees into a hat, and then picking out 20 names as the random sample. In other words, random sampling is choosing members of a group in an unbiased way to collect data about the group as a whole. Let's break the phrase random sampling into syllables into parts. The first part ran Sounds like the word ran and rhymes with clan and ban. The second part dumb sounds like the word dumb and rhymes with drum and home.
The third part Sam sounds like the SA m sound in the words Samsung Sam pan samurai. The fourth part playing is the P l sound plus the i n g sound in the word ring playing now repeat after me ran dumb Sam playing ran dome Sam clean random sampling, random sampling. random sampling sounds good, but too many of the group are poor, the rich won't be represented. That's an interesting perspective. However, management has decided that we must do random sampling. The last time we did random sampling of all our customers 50 different countries were represented.
Wow, that's quite a diverse customer base. Would you say random sampling was effective.