Frenectomy readiness exercises number one through four. I suggest you take your time as you take on these exercises for what may be the first time you want to take one week before you move on to exercises five through seven. mastery requires strength and stability and you cannot get that unless you have practiced and thoroughly mastered the first four exercises with total isolation of the tongue. Use a mouth prop as needed. You want to make sure you stabilize your jaw. That way you can strengthen and isolate the tongue and it helps immensely if you're able to practice with a mirror.
That way you can see when your jaw is assisting to your tongue when it is helping to carry the tongue along because that is what we do not want We want the tongue to move independently of the jaw. Our first exercise is spot awareness. The purpose of establishing where spot is and muscle memory of spot is that this is where your tongue will be for every functional purpose that it serves. When you're breathing and breathing properly through your nose, your tongue will be up to spot when you are chewing, swallowing. suctioning tongue, ideally should be up to spot. How do we establish spot awareness?
First, you want to open wide, you're going to place your Cheerio or similar small food item on your tongue tip as indicated in the picture in the previous slide. You want to lift your tongue tip two spot on your gums slightly behind the upper two front teeth. Allowing for some closure when needed to reach you will hold maybe a second or two and then rest time back down without closing and repeat lift. You want to perform this for 10 repetitions two to three times daily. Our goal is to reach on the spot with a maximum opening and hold for 40 to 60 seconds. Here are some photos.
I like the photo on the left because it shows a child with an alpha appliance. The Alpha appliance has a lovely loop just beyond where spot is. It helps to get the kids the sensory feeling of where their tongue should be around spot. This picture also helps because incisive papilla is very prominent spot is very prominent there. So as you're lifting and you are you are what you can see in Your mouth. In the picture on the right.
The picture on the left is demonstrating where exactly you should be.