Okay, so let's get started with step one. And step one is about setting your goals. If you don't have a goal, if you don't have a destination without purpose, you're going to be just wasting your time on LinkedIn. So here's what I want you to do, I want you to go to your profile. And I want you to look at your private dashboard. And I want you to just take a screenshot of these numbers right in front of you the views of your profile, your last post views like mine, you can see it was a video, and how many times you have appeared in search results.
These numbers are important because this will give you an idea as to the efforts that you're putting into SEO in your LinkedIn profile, which means search engine optimizing, is it making any difference or not. So it's going to give you a little benchmark or an indicator. Second thing I want you to do is I want you to get absolutely clear as to Why you are on LinkedIn? Are you on LinkedIn just to build a network, okay. Or maybe you're on LinkedIn to start to build a brand, a personal brand, get your name out there. Or maybe you are on LinkedIn because you are actively looking for a job.
Or maybe you are on LinkedIn because you are passively looking for a job. You're not really out there and visible or what I like to call urine, stealth ninja mode of job hunting. So whatever your purpose is, for being on LinkedIn, get absolutely clear on that purpose. So what is it what is it you want to do in the next six months? And what is it you want to get out of your LinkedIn profile, write that down, write it down as a statement, maybe it's a new job, maybe it's the increased my network by 1000 connections, whatever it is, I want you to write it down on a public Did and put it on your desk, put it on your clipboard, put it on your mirror, put it anywhere that your eyes are attracted to on a daily basis. This is really going to get you focused and get you the results fast.
If only you knew what it is you want to get out of this platform, okay? So figure it out, get focused in the next six months. What is it that you want from your LinkedIn profile?