If you lack something in your life that you desire, maybe it's because you don't want it as badly as you think you do. So what's holding you back? Maybe there's a downside that's diluting your enthusiasm. Maybe it requires more effort than you're currently willing to expand. Maybe you're afraid that getting what you want with negatively affect your relationships. Maybe you've lacked the confidence to put yourself out there and really go for it.
Maybe you'd rather keep it a wish rather than face possible failure. Or maybe you're dreaming. It's Present mental form is not exactly what you want. If any of these situations sound familiar, take heart. Once you morph your dream into a form that fits for you, the effort will become an enjoyable part of the journey. enjoy the company of those who support you and veto the ideas of those who don't remind yourself that failure is really just a course in learning what doesn't work.
And guess what? failure is a magnificent teacher. teaching lessons you can't get anywhere else. confidence comes from accomplishment. So celebrate the most minor victories and you're on your way. Bottom line, just get started.
You can do this. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me Philippians chapter four verse 13.