What's the difference between people who find it easy to trust themselves and those who don't? Well, maybe it's a combination of factors. People who are genetically pre conditioned to anxiety tend to second guess themselves and sometimes waffle back and forth when making decisions. And over time, this erodes your ability to trust yourself. You start looking to others for the answers. So, how can you build up your self trust muscle?
The short answer is by using it. You need to have many experiences where you just decide to trust yourself to make the right decision. This is what reinforces self trust. You learn that trusting yourself pays off at least most of the time. Those who grew up in homes, however, were they were not given opportunities to make decisions, or whose decisions were not respected. lack the experience necessary to trust their inner thoughts, intuitions and decisions.
There's a feeling of floating in a sea of indecision, bound by pressure to make the right decision, this type of pressure and violate self trust, because who are you if you can't trust yourself? You have a mandate to trust yourself. It's your inner compass. You learn from it. You won't do it perfectly. But just do it.
For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord plans. For welfare, and not for evil, to give you a feature and the hope. Jeremiah chapter 29, verse 11