Are you a critical person? Most people don't think of themselves as critical. They can easily tap into their reservoir of tolerance and compassion when it comes to other people. Yet the well runs dry when it comes to judging themselves. So although you may be tolerant of others, do you show the same tolerance and compassion for your own foibles and imperfections? This may be a definition of hell, going through life with a harsh critic inside your head.
And that critic is the you know, peace, no escape, no joy and we all know people who go to the other extreme Dream but these are in the minority. You can put this habit on the back burner though, identifying those traits that make you uniquely you. Have you ever met a person who looks exactly like you? Even identical twins have their own uniquely separate features. In the same vein, there's no one walking the planet who has your unique combination of DNA, family background, preferences, traits, genetic predispositions, talents, opportunities, challenges and personal history. You are one of a kind.
And one way to honor your magnificence is to focus on what you're good at, and find a way to use it to help others use your magnificence to pay it forward. If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans chapter eight, verse 31.