On day 10 we talked about people like to drag you down, in order to make themselves look big and important. Most people who fall into this category have low self esteem. However, there's another category of people called Narcissus, who don't have low self esteem. They actually may feel better than you because they're so overly confident and focused on themselves. Three traits of Narcissus are they have an exaggerated sense of their own importance? They tend to demand a lot of attention, and they lack empathy.
So what is empathy? It's the ability to understand what others are feeling because you felt That way too at times. When you have empathy, you don't want to purposely hurt another person's feelings Unless, of course, you have low self esteem or you are a narcissist. Knowing this may not make it any easier to be around these types of people, but at least you know where they're coming from. And it's not from a position of healthy self esteem. Come to me all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Matthew, chapter 11, verse 28,