There are so many people with so many different opinions. It can be a bit baffling to form your own opinion on issues between television, radio and social media. Your brain is flooded with information. It's easy to lose sight of what you think about things. So how do you formulate an opinion to call your own? Actually, it doesn't matter how you arrive at your opinion.
What matters is that it's thoughtful. Make sure you've done your research and aren't simply piggybacking on someone else's opinion. A huge factor influencing your opinions is your ability to trust yourself. Do you trust yourself? Your ability to trust yourself is enormously tied to your ability to form your own opinion instead of being influenced by the loudest voice. If your highest loyalty isn't to yourself, then who do you trust more than yourself?
And what makes that person foolproof? the opinions of others hold value as far as opening your mind to other points of view. But the final say is in your court. So trust yourself. I've said these things to you that in me, you may have peace. In the world you'll have tribulation, But take heart, I have overcome the world.
JOHN, Chapter 16, verse 33.