Do you worry about the future? The future is the vast unknown. And in this respect can be scary to contemplate. We humans like to be in control, and the future, for the most part is out of our control. accepting the fact that you have limited control is actually part of the solution. You can make your plans but don't ruin the present moment with worries about something you can't control or may or may not even occur.
Why torture yourself with fearful forecasts. Worry however, can have its place. It can sometimes be productive with productive worry. You take action. You do what you can within productive work. You keep the worry alive with your constant attention and rumination.
Bottom line, do what you can then let it go. Trust that the universe is a friendly place. You've got enough on your plate today. And we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good for those who are called according to His purpose. Romans, chapter eight, verse 28.