Welcome to technique seven, in strategy seven attitudes, technique seven states, right what you care about. Some of these techniques seem to go together, a lot of them are very similar, but I like to separate them so that we can focus on each one a little bit individually. Right? What you care about is more about what you're focusing on. You're right in your writing instead of your attitude about yourself as a writer. And the explanation for that is right, what interests you.
Most people have a lot of different kinds of interests, and some people have a very focused interest. But whatever is interesting to you focus on that. Many people believe certain subjects that they love are dumb as writing pieces. For example, if you love skateboarding, you're like you would want to read a piece about skateboarding. But some of the best pieces that I've ever read were subjects that I didn't think I was interested in, but the reason As the writer made me interested in them, that passion, that engagement that we've talked about, if you care about something, and it comes out in your writing, your reader will know that. And so that's what we're talking about here.
So if you think something is dumb, if you engage in the topic, your reader will also, there is really, there's really not a lot of topics that are done. It's just it depends on how you present the topic. And example, if you love cats, and you're engaged in writing a piece on this subject, your reader is also more likely to be engaged in the writing as well, especially if you can connect it to universal themes and things that connect everybody together. For example, I'm reading a book by Laura hilden brand called unbroken, and it's about a world war two veteran he just recently passed away and he was in the Olympics as a runner, and then he became a POW in a jacket. He's working. Well, I love World War Two.
But I don't necessarily like to read biographies about that. But the way her voice is in the piece and the way she makes it come to life, it engages me because of how she writes it. And if you can bring that to your writing, you can engage the reader in subjects that maybe they didn't think they were interested in either. And the next thing you know, you've got somebody's grandmother reading a piece on skateboarding because it's funny, and it's engaging and it's genuine and it's well written and well constructed. And so just write what you care about. Often your engagement is what keeps the reader reading, not the subject, but because the interest comes through in the writing.
If you are engaged, they will be engaged as well.