Hello, and welcome to strategy one words, technique five. This one is quite similar to the last one which was to reduce adverb usage in sentences, because a lot of times, the adverb meaning is implied in the verb itself. In this case, we're talking about reducing adjectives and technique five states to reduce adjective usage when it adds nothing to announce meaning. So a lot of times an adjective is implied in the name just like in Agile adverbs and verbs, and so, an explanation, like adverbs and verbs, adjectives are often redundant if the idea is implied in the noun. If the adjective adds new meaning to a concept, include it if it doesn't exclude it. So it's also one of those things where I'm not saying don't ever use adjectives.
A lot of times adjectives clarify meaning You know, you don't want to overuse flowery words, but they can add some beauty and some clarity to a situation so the reader gets a clear mental picture of something. However, a lot of times people tend to over describe things by using too many adjectives and like I said, a lot of times they'll use adjectives in ways in places that don't add new meaning. So if you do use an adjective, you want to make sure it adds some kind of meaning to your actual spin. It's into the noun itself. An example that doesn't work. Alice fell through the cold ice.
Alice here or Alex felt fell through the ice would be fun because we know ice is cold. So Alex or Alice fell through the ice would be there. The cold ice is just redundant. We know ice is cold, most of the time. Words other examples of extra adjectives used in sentences dark gray, ominous Clouds circled over the grassy field. Okay, it's vivid and descriptive.
But a lot of those words are doing very similar things at the same time. And so a better way to word it might be black clouds circled over the field. Or if you wanted to emphasize the shape, you might say clouds funneled above the dusty field. So you could actually take one of the adjectives and turn it into a verb, if there's a way to turn it into a stronger form in the sentence, that's another possibility for rewording it and getting a similar meaning and just as much clarity. So just remember to replace unnecessary adjectives with other words, or in most cases, just simply don't put them in the sentence. And so that is technique number five, and that is to reduce additive usage when it adds nothing new to announce.