The four C´s

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Hello again, I hope you were inspired by the films, and that you're ready to move on with this next film about the four C's. You see, to meet this new world of education, school systems all over the world is making new curriculums and finding new ways to think about learning. One of the most exciting thoughts from my point of view, is the sort of the four C's sometimes sometimes five. We have them here, communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity. Let's start with communication. The first see, if you are working at a factory, it was necessary to communicate a lot to do your job.

You couldn't actually because of all the noise from the machines surrounding you. You knew what to do and didn't have to discuss it. When your child our children grow up. That jobs are quite different. They will find themselves communicating all day long, because the tasks they have to do requires it. Just think about how many people you're talking to during a day, both in real life and in the virtual world.

You have to be good at sending your message to a recipient that actually understands what you're trying to express. Sometimes when I talk to someone, it's very linear. How are you? Fine. And how are you? Nice weather today?

Yeah, but yesterday, we don't get anywhere. We stay in the valley. Good communication lifts the conversation. like climbing a mountain. We start in the bottom and slowly climbs higher because we pull each other up, asks questions, elaborate and die in spite of what the other one says. That's very important.

If we have to collaborate, that's the next see. It's essential to communicate to share thoughts and help each other to move up the mountain so that we both can enjoy the view if you want to be able to collaborate. When we work together sometime one plus one is three, because we inspire each other to go further than we would have gone on our own. We come as different individuals with different skills and competencies that we put into solving the problem, but doing our assignment. It requires that we are open and outspoken and that we respect those we work with. Sometimes it's amazes me what people can achieve when they collaborate.

I'm very fond of football or soccer. There's a lot of collaboration in football. If a team are going to win, they have to play together. They have to run to put them down in a position where the one with the ball can pass it, and he has to trust the one he's playing, and recognize that he has the skills to receive it and play it on the best team in the world train a lot together. And so in school, we have to let the pupils work together, learning them to give their best and respect each other's work and let them experience that they go further together than alone. The next C is critical thinking.

And imagine if you have to invent something, you have to put on different glasses. We have a problem we need to solve. And if we look at it with the old glasses, we end up doing what we've always done. We have to learn how to use new glasses and see the world from a new perspective. That includes that the students must be able To find information, analyze it and put a new idea together. They have to be good at identifying a problem that needs to be solved and find solutions.

For instance, we have a global warming. What are we going to do with it? The students have to find out what causes a problem from different perspectives. In our world, we're all receiving a lot of information from the world around us and the media. We also have to be good at finding a way through that mountain of information. And to be able to do that.

We need to learn how to look at it with critical eyes. Students have to learn not to believe anything, but learn how to validate. That brings us on to the next c creativity. The fourth, see if you have to invent the world You have to be creative, finding new ways and new solutions. You have to see the world from different angles to solve the problems we're facing As humans, we can use our old tools anymore. They're not good enough.

But also in the individual students life, creativity is important. When a child plays, he creates new and wonderful worlds, trying to understand and learn how to live in the real world. Children are extraordinarily creative, but somehow, we take that out of them in school. Second, Robinson has also made another film about it called why school kills creativity. And he's also written a book called creative schools that I can highly recommend. You can find links in the resources section.

In school, we have to make space for creativity and try to give students tasks with open ended solutions sometimes where were the result isn't necessary, two plus two is full, but perhaps five. We need to do that because we need creative and innovative people to support us when we get old. And because the education is so much more fun and engaging. The world is facing problems and if we try to solve them by doing the things that we've always done, we won't solve them at all. And then we will take C number five, it's curiosity. And in Denmark, well if we have no children song, called spell Leon from 1944.

And spell young actually means curious jorts The song is about john who asks a lot of questions like why doesn't the line eat strawberries or why can't can't my shoe talk and he's driving his parents In the head, and at the end, he spanked and sent to bed. It's a terrible story. And if children today doesn't ask questions, they are lost, because curiosity is what drives learning the fuel. And it is getting more and more important with the concepts, lifelong learners. The world changes and we have to adapt to it, and learn and learn again. And to do that we need to be curious.

One of the most important Danes country he lived in the 19th century, and was one of the founding fathers of our society and democracy. He said, The man is not a monkey destined to copy other animals and itself to the end of days, but a wonderful creature with will which will be wiser and stronger through thousands of generation. We have to ask, be creative Critical communicate and collaborate in the world through tomorrow. And in learning it. It starts today. You can read a lot more about the four C's and other of the competencies needed in the 21st century at the P 21. website that I have also linked to.

And in the following videos, I'll show you a model that incorporates some of the competencies, and then we will move on to some of the paid sick tools that enables you to make an engaging and front education for the 21st century. See you later.

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