Total health to me means being loved, be wholly healthy and happy. How to understand and permanently erased stress related pains and illnesses. The following thoughts are about the basics of traditional Chinese medicine and how it can when correlated with the Western physiology help us better understand and erase stress related pain and illness. Oh I thought that way is a backward going process. From the symptoms to the origin of the illness, in order to understand the cause, then recognize and work toward permanent wellness. Research has shown that the Vegas nerve, which connects to the internal organs, begins in hypothalamus.
Now considered along with pituitary as the command center of the body sucio Yoga, psychological or physical physical traumas can in pair this important gland pair. It's logical to assume that hypothalamus receives the command to be transmitted to the Oregon From the master gland pinning, which sits at the top of the spinal column, and is not restricted by a Blaine brought blood barrier, the way the other glands are. Many teachings have recognized the pineal for centuries as the gateway to our higher self, the spirit essence. And some modern researchers and writers called pineal the gateway to look or soul or door to perception. Those of us who meditate have experienced connecting to our higher self or spirit by focusing on Peniel with the mid eyebrow point, Korean tongue and appoint at the top of the head called pi hooey. Many ancient teachings acknowledge the connection of the Universal Power, with its healing energy of great love.
Through the triangle, between pineal in tongue and by way, directly below the head at the back is a point on a governing channel called governing 16 called mouth of God or cheat pillow. When beginning your meditation, you could tap press on that point along with him tongue in the front. When you to understand more about the hidden realms of being the pure healer energy of great flow flows when there's an understanding of the inner reality, which our individualized belief system has embraced, and therefore, experiences as free. must learn to realize and live from the essence of your being. In order to understand myself at the core level, I made a commitment early on and have found my inner work helpful for my expansion of consciousness, as well as for my overall health, which includes body, mind and spirit. I've been able to achieve lasting well being genuine joy and peace on all levels.
My wish is to share with you the clarity and all m bracing law. I have found to be the supreme healer. I want to help you zero on the essence of your belief system and connect to its potent healing power. I pray and trust that your realizations will be with the particular coloring of your own personal belief system. at its center, you will find that essence with the illusion of separateness dissolves.