Oh hormones and neural transmitters affect everything within our bodies. But going into a complex details that an inquiry into the biochemical research in evitable II leads, I want to give you my simple understanding of what I consider relevant to us. If you wish to know more, be careful not to be caught in a complex net, which the western research has produced in the last century. It has made awesome advances while continue to benefit us greatly, but it also has complex pitfalls, Miss interpretations and research Inclusion switch are challenged forever with new ones. For many decades, it's been mainly driven by human greed. I'm searching iPhone the following website to be useful.
That's called www health j.com. You find some information there that is reliable. The hormones are substances which, with specific qualities or energies acting within the body and neurotransmitters act in the brain. For major clans relevant to us are located deep within the brain. The hypothalamus pituitary thalamus and pineal gland. Each secretes a specific chemical substance or energy to interact with the others, which results in further interactions and transformations of substances and energies.
These interactions and transformations have seemingly endless possibilities. This is amazing. The command center of the body is directed by pineal gland. You see the four plants here in the picture, the Lamas pineal gland, hypothalamus and pituitary gland Very deep inside the brain and pineal gland is on top of the spinal cord. As a result of Western research hypothalamus, along with the pituitary gland is now recognized as the command center of the body is the energy center of experience. hypothalamus contains information carrier cells, and that's important inflammation carrier cells.
If hypothalamus is affected by the disagreeable messages or insults, psychological or perhaps because of a concussion or anything, not fitting to the natural flow of happenings, the messages sent to the other parts of the body. cannot be clear. Each one of us has had disagreeable experiences in life. Remember, that is always energy that speaks. Without energy, the neural pathways, along with everything else would be dead. If the neural pathways are blocked because of a wrong kind or unclear messaging, this this of course, leads to impaired functioning.
So simply simple, really, once we begin to look at it from that standpoint. hypothalamus is the gland where trauma information is collected and its signals carried by the inflammation carriers cells to the other parts of the body, where they can show up as pain or discomfort. If three acupressure points, every point affected connects to the energy system. By understanding this, we can follow backwards from the point of pain or symptoms to an illness to its origin, or at least to its trauma collection point. hypo Thomas this conscious going backwards process stirs up memories of past experiences hurts all Having hurt others. It may not be fully conscious, but conscious enough to bring some objectivity to the pain or uneasiness.
It's then easier to self heal or ask for help of someone else. All stress related pain or illness connects to the neural system leading to your deep brain area. Anywhere the four important glands, pineal, Tom's hypothalamus and pituitary interact and release chemicals and vital information. Other plants can also be involved in terms of diabetes for instance. It's been proven HP A axis, which refers to the hormones released by hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal glands can create havoc in the metabolic metabolism within the body. HPA axis could be seen as the center point of many illnesses.
Without going into details, let's accept the importance of these glands and their relationships. know the importance of the pineal gland. Ideally, hypothalamus should receive sound intuitive messages from the main plant gland by me pineal sits at the top of the spinal column and is not affected by the brain blood barrier. The way the brush glands are. The whole harmonious intuitive messages flowing from the pineal gland must also move through the hypothalamus pituitary command center by Neil is the gateway to the intuitive knowledge and to complete healing of the body, mind and spirit. This has been upheld by many esoteric traditions for centuries.
The pineal gland connects directly to the blood, therefore, to the human spirit, which travels within the blood. Here's the conclusion to my short explanation on hormones, and neurotransmitters. What is covered in the preceding lecture is a small part of the journey we travel together. Even with this segment, we are prompted by our spirit to understand life better and through that we may understand great love And the generosity of the Creator who makes our life possible. By the time you and I have done our work will joyfully celebrate our brilliant achievements in helping other people on the earth. We can then live and love each other without the hindrances of pain and clouds of Unknowing.
A work is based on this and is to honor create love which clarifies all of it