Is called east west. In this section called East West, you learn deeper understanding on how approach in return to brilliance programs utilize us not only Chinese medicine, which is our core strategy, but also Western physiology with nerves, organs, glands, muscles, bones, and so on. We ask how these relate to the basics of Chinese medicine and acupuncture with its meandering acupuncture channels. How does the western physiology the functioning of the human body relate to these charted acupuncture channels? The question it's been recognized and I have explained against that the acupuncture points and pain points always have a neural connection. There's no separation on this.
We all live in our bodies. They are part of us. Yet many of us don't even know where are Oregon so I'm not going to teach you any of that. But I do want to help you understand how the nervous system that relays messages relates to the acupuncture channels, charted many centuries before the western neurological knowledge came into the picture. More and more acupuncture points and channels have been added. And it has become a quite a complex study for those who wants to practice it as a profession in practicing it you Find that there's a great potential to explore other party points as well.
Mainly where ever there's discomfort or pain, but also others. The acupuncture points are always connected to neural pathways which carry the messages within the human body. You can think of it as a carrier system and inflammation carriers have been found it to be in hypothalamus, which with the pituitary gland has been recognized as the command center of the body. This is where the trauma information is collected, and messages sent to other parts of the body in case of harm ammonius intuitive messages flowing from the pineal gland I believe they still flow through this hypothalamus pituitary command center. It is if it's in high pop, it is in hypothalamus that the energy and experience is collected or command. Now, if the hypothalamus is affected by a dis agreeable messages or insults, which we all have experienced in life, then the messages are from or cannot be clear.
Remember that it's always energy. Without energy, the neural pathways would be dead. If the pathways of the nerves get blocked because of wrong kind of or unclear messaging. It leads to impaired functioning. Every acupuncture point, or every acupressure point, or every point we focus on connects to the energy system. This way we can follow the backward going process from the point of pain from the symptoms of an illness to the higher centers where we can tap a higher great energy