What is stress? That's a question. Most of us have felt anxious, moody or distressed at some point of our lives. Remember how you your chest felt as if pressed with an iron girdle around it. And how the heaviness of your top part pulled you toward your floor or desk. Let's see if we can understand these feelings and turn them energy that is lighter, more life giving and enjoyable.
We call it enter ci dictionary says stressed out debilitating because of stress, condition or adverse Circumstances slightly to disturb the normal physiological or psychological functioning of an individual. And distress caused by this. The word stress comes from Middle English, word distress, and that from Old French stress, meaning narrowness. And finally, from Latin strictness, meaning strict. When I think of those root meanings of stress, they indicate a result from some kind of pressure, or I call it stressor, such as distress, narrowness and strict Miss thinking further boxed in restricted, an uncomfortable feeling comes to mind. Not being able to use my full capacities but what I want to experience and accomplish.
Stress is here to stay, at least in most of our lives. How can we alleviate the distress part and learn to manage the structure? part? That's the question. This neuro acupressure course offers the creative strategies to do just that. You can learn to master your energy and alleviate the distress or pain or disharmony you might be experiencing.
Practice is based on the fundamentals of Chinese medicine. Western physiology by using that knowledge as accommodation for the application of that press with balanced breath you can experience a major change in your life you will become a relaxed confident and powerful being whose energy upgrade love radius generosity enjoy. I'll go here is to help you gain the principles applicable TCM which when you know them make sense and are important in healing the whole person the rest is details which is You will find on the pages allocated to specific disharmonious and methods designed for conscious self healing. So, this is a step by step process of working consciously backwards from the point of anxious confusion and physical, emotional or spiritual pain toward the origin. the very essence of your being. When the rocks are dissolved, the healing Source Intelligence flows naturally through the open channels and you can leave in the radiance of your essence