Now in this section you're going to learn about ancient acupuncture and acupressure. I'll give you a sketch of acupuncture history. The practice of ancient acupuncture has gone through many changes and innovations in 5000 years. In prehistoric times, stone probes excavated from burial sites were applied to painful areas and later also to the acupuncture body points to treat inner organs and tissues. It is likely that this former acupressure was the beginning of the acupuncture art. Needle punctures on specific channel points.
And as some local pain relief were recorded in annals of medicine even before the yellow Emperor's classic of Internal Medicine, or one, the new aging, which dates to approximately 200 BC. This classic work establishes the basic theory, philosophy as well as the practical application and benefits of acupuncture and acupressure. Here you see acupuncture channels within the human body. So many points there. The interrelationships of the organ, some tissues is a central concept in ancient acupuncture, the China the CI channels are essential for the unified functioning After party. The Chinese name Jing law means going through the way long main threads from within a fabric.
The channels correspond to anatomical structures, blood vessels, and neural pathways, which we know from modern physiology. This is important for us to remember. According to science, the effects of acupuncture treatment are attributed to the brain's endorphins secretion, which leads to a sense of relaxation and alleviation of pain. From the results we can see that acupuncture does work, but how it does it is still a mystery. With all intricate knowledge of anatomy and biochemistry. Body, we still have the body we still do not know what actually makes an acupuncture treatment tick.
So of course the mark Universal Life Energy why we aren't able to explain the processes as the acupuncture facts, the eastern and western ways of thinking need not cancel each other. The term lifeforce energy, present in all living things and working harmoniously, when not disturbed by human cleverness approximates the meaning of the word she used in ancient acupuncture. The autonomic nervous system works in an amazingly intelligent way. Therefore, Especially coded guidance for the lifeforce energy must exist within each of us. energy in its essence, regardless of outward manifestations is always one with the original will to form and maintain harmonious balance up to Tao. For this reason, it's wise to work consciously with energy.
What we call the function of the autonomic nervous system, the Chinese say to score the activity up, whoo, cheap. This Source Intelligence with infinite possibilities. Adapt adapts to the internal body environment for you will therefore emotions, thoughts, intentions and the surrounding nature as the substratum of life within the human body, this original vital essence is called Jing ci. The section on ci systems and ci guide can clarify this. Chief channels or meridians, in the practice of ancient acupuncture, the channels during the war are recognized to embody a physical reality through them, every function relates to the whole organism and depends on the clear flow vital essences. These fundamental substances Jean chewy and Shin move along the channels to finalize and activate the blood and blood, body fluids for the organs, tissues, the brain and in fact, everything within the body energy forms, regulates, nourishes and maintains life by balancing its opposing forces of the receptivity and and the active young.
She of many grades flows through the pathways and it is through them that patterns of disharmony may also spread if the original energy of the source can be adversely affected by inner or outer influences, and therefore blocked, diverted or upset in and young are out of balance, which can cause disease. This imbalance is at the root of all illnesses according to the ancient acupuncture theory. Here we have the channels and their branches criss crossing on both sides of the body to influence the organs and all vital functions. You can see it in this picture. The most commonly used points on 12 channels relating to their respective organ functions, the main trunk have three Yin channels heart, very guardian and lung. Begin in their respective organs from along the inside of the arms and end in the fingers.
They're paired, young organs, smaller, interesting, triple warmer and large, interesting. Begin in the fingers and wrong along the outside of the arms to the face. The lower Yin, Yin channels kidney, liver and spleen, begin that in the feet and run along the legs, inside of the legs and in the abdomen, ending in the chest. They're paired young channels urinary bladder, or bladder and stomach, beginning the Fed And end in the feet. The points on the governing channel, young, running up the spine at the back with a connection to the brain and the conception channel, yen in front are also used frequently by points of eight extra channels 12 muscle channels 12 divergence channels 15 connecting channels are not used as often. Some numbers for instance, 12 channels and 365 points relate to the ancient acupuncturist association with astronomy and Cosmos in general.
The number of points on each channel vary from nine Gentle and pericardium 267, urinary bladder or 67 channels, the extra ordinary points are not necessarily on the main channel. And key points are wherever pain is experienced. A great deal of flexibility is provided in choosing the areas of treatment. And that's important for us to remember when we use the stone Oh fingers patterns of disharmony. organ disorders manifests on the channel of the organ first. For instance, the inner liver channel goes to the eyes.
Therefore, in certain on oncoming liver disharmony, harmonies like redness, soreness or dryness up the eyes maybe a key sign, or person suffering from migraine, considered a liver gallbladder disease, experiences intolerance to light even before the headache. liver, liver stores blood and is responsible for the smooth flow of chi. Therefore, it is associated with many other blood disorders such as menstrual and menopausal syndromes, and emotional disturbances, such as depression, and anger. In cases of cancer, which is considered a blood stagnation in its beginning stages, points on the liver channel are chosen for the primary ones. The areas of application first scription for points found effective in various illnesses have been recorded through the centuries. And the location where the needle is placed is often in a small notch below the skin, most western schools on acupuncture, this traditional they teach this traditional form of acupuncture.
You may see that she where you can view an interactive acupuncture chart you can do that later. So in contrast to the traditional teaching, many acupuncturist now have discovered and maintained that effective sites are larger areas on the skin that merely the points I have found that To be true, it also fits in with our method of obtaining energy with a non invasive way of tap press with balanced breath, which you're learning. Now series of applications for prolapse. The results acupuncture and acupressure pressure is admonished turd in series of eight to 10 treatments, usually every second day. For many, they bring a sense of balance while alleviating pain, removing improving organ functions, relieving stress and correcting other dis harmonies. In my experience of many years of practice, treatments have been effective in most cases, and have helped align the individual with his or her original plan.
And nurturing self healing energy of gray color.