Okay, in PowerPoint, we can also create slideshows. So, we can do something like this. So we can view the slideshow by clicking on this button here. So the other animation we create one time here is to see something I say, Okay, I may need to add something here so let's say I insert a shape here. Yeah, Shiva guy quick animations and you maintain the desktop object. And I can create all these animation so I can create bows or shape.
Now as we see that animation here So I create a slideshow. So I will see the animation then I click on this I will see the hi nada these are animation for the object. So, DC saw we can create or these PowerPoint or this animation or we usually call a PowerPoint presentation. So, we can change the transition. Okay we can change the transition we can change the animation, then we can add in more Ma. Slight Okay, so, as usual last time, when I learned in secondary school, became in the transition in the slides something like this.
I can in control M Oh, I can In a new slide, then I can change all these transition then I can change this transition. Then I K know the object or the test or the videos or images as we have learned previously. Then we can go into the slideshow when we want to create a presentation we can go into the slideshow. So this is how PowerPoint is being used.