Mind Cleanse

Detox Your Body and Mind in 30 Days Final 2 Days of Your Detox Program!
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The next habit in your final two days of this program is the mind cleanse. The mind cleanse involves completely disconnecting from technology and other people for two days and using this time to relax and empty your mind. For the mind cleanse, you will be unplugging for the next 48 hours. This means no electronics are people spending one hour in meditation and enjoying one hour of aroma therapy. Let's look at why these are an important part of your final two days of this program. No electronics.

In order to fully empty your mind it's important that you completely avoid all forms of electronic technology. This means no computers, smartphones, tablets, news, internet, social media, TV or other types of electronics during the Two days. If electronics are a necessary part of your work, you can either make sure you complete the mind cleanse during the weekend, or use some vacation days to get it done without interfering with your work. No people. This may sound extreme, but other people are often one of the major causes of stress in our lives. By taking two days to be completely alone, you can reach a level of mental calmness and clarity, which is almost impossible to achieve when other people are constantly present.

If you live alone, you can let other people know that you are going to be out of touch during this time, and that it's important that they don't contact you unless there's an emergency. If you live with others take a mini vacation to somewhere that allows you to be alone for the 48 hours. If this is not an option due to having young children See if you can get a sitter for part of the time to allow for a quiet time by yourself. spend at least one hour per day in nature. When you disconnect from electronics and other people during the final two days of this detox, you'll have a lot of free time open up for you. by spending an hour or more of this time in nature each day, you can enjoy all its healing properties at an even deeper level, and feel mentally and physically refreshed.

Spend at least one hour per day meditating. Meditation is another fantastic activity that will help to cleanse your mind more fully during the final 48 hours of the detox. by meditating for at least one hour each day. You'll reach a state where you're completely calm at peace and free of negativity. spend at least one hour per day on aroma therapy. aroma therapy is another amazing detox tool that you can use during your extra free time on the final two days of the detox.

By increasing the amount of time you spend applying and inhaling these essential oils, you'll remove plenty of toxins from your body and mind. Keep in mind if you happen to be sensitive to odors or smells, this part of the program may not be for you. The mind cleanse has a huge number of benefits. no distractions. By being alone and disconnected from electronic technology for two days you completely eliminate mental distractions from your environment. This leaves you free to fully focus on relaxing in the present moment.

Without anything else entering your mental space, no stress. Another big benefit of this 48 hour mind cleanse, is that you won't be exposed to any outside negative influences. This freedom from negativity and stress gives you the space you need to completely clear your mind and develop a more open positive mindset. Better perspective, taking an extended break from external influences, and detoxing your mind allows you to go deep within yourself and develop a better perspective on your life as a whole. These two days will transform the way you look at outside factors and prevent you from being conditional on them for happiness. You'll learn to truly love yourself and love life regardless of what's going on around You enhanced concentration levels.

When you have no distractions around you, you'll find that it's much easier to focus your thoughts and direct them towards one thing at a time. After the two days have passed, your concentration levels will improve significantly, and you'll be able to focus much more intensely in any situation. Increase creativity, eliminating toxins from your mind creates the necessary space for creativity. Once your mind is fully open, you'll find that it naturally fills up with inspirational thoughts and ideas that can enhance every area of your life. Increased happiness, removing stressful thoughts from your mind result in positive joyful thoughts coming into you much more naturally. This has a huge effect on your own.

For all happiness levels, and helps you to enjoy every life experience much more deeply improved energy levels. Negative thoughts and influences are extremely draining and can make you feel tired and fatigued. freeing yourself from them has a rejuvenating effect on your body and rapidly improves your energy levels. stronger relationships. by spending a couple of days away from other people, you'll actually strengthen your relationships with them. When you remove negative thoughts from your mind and spend time reflecting on the people in your life.

You'll discover what you truly love and appreciate about them. This will shine through in your future interactions with these people and take your relationships with them to new levels. Vitamin D, one of the main reasons we don't get enough vitamin D in our modern lives is that we're gluten free. Computers and television screens. By turning them off for a couple of days and increase the amount of time you spend in nature. You can fill up on this sunshine vitamin and enjoy all its benefits.

All right, then you've made it. How do you feel? Do you have more energy, less pain, improved mood? Are you sleeping better? Though this program is coming to a close, this is only the beginning. Continue to implement many of the positive habits you have gained throughout the course of this program.

The lifestyle practice unique will continue to have a profound impact on your body and mind. Your path to better health and healing has only begun. Repeat this program every spring and fall as a way to rejuvenate your body and mind. Now be sure to complete your final quiz to assess your learning. Please review this course and share your experience with others looking to improve their body and mind. Be sure to look at all the valuable resources I have included for you in this program.

These include your daily detox check in sheet, your health journey journal, your summary chart, your program benefits, your keys to Breaking Bad habits, your recipe guide, the relaxation, meditation, and the detox your body and mind resource guide. Congratulations. If you want to discover more ways to continue on your path to health and healing, head on over to www dot path to health and healing.com

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