Limiting Your TV Viewing

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Habit changed to for this week is to stop watching TV. What no TV, like the internet and social media tv can be a great source of entertainment that allows you to unwind and relax when you use it in moderation. However, if you watch hours and hours of TV every day, it can transform into a mental toxin with many harmful effects. There is a great deal of research about the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle. So sitting in front of the TV for hours every day is not conducive to good health. Other negative effects of watching too much TV our addiction, like most forms of media tv can be highly addictive.

And you can become reliant on watching TV every day for fulfillment, distraction. Many people have the TV on in the back cram while they work, eat and have conversations with others. This constant exposure to the TV is incredibly distracting and it has a negative effect on the quality of your work your conversations with others, and your enjoyment of the foods you eat. Limited independent thinking. Almost all TV shows are full of bias and opinion. When you're consuming this bias and opinion from others for hours each day, it starts to shape the way you think and prevents you from forming your own opinions.

Reduce productivity, as mentioned that most people have the TV on while they work. And this has a detrimental effect on your productivity. Tasks take twice as long as they should because you're splitting your focus between your work and the TV. Reduce self esteem. The TV is constantly filled with images of how you should look How you should act, how you should think and how you should live your life. Being exposed to these images on a long term basis can cause you to feel inadequate and hurt your self esteem if you believe you're not living up to them.

Having a week where you don't watch TV will prevent all of these unpleasant effects and create a huge amount of time in your schedule for other things. If you need some help giving up TV, Here are six tips that can help record your favorite TV shows. If there are any shows you really don't want to miss while you're TV free, simply record them and then watch them after you've completed your detox. This will make the thought of giving up TV much easier as you won't be permanently missing out on any of the shows you love. Make meals a focal point as mentioned previously, many People eat with the TV on, which then takes their attention away from the flavor and texture of the foods they're eating can also cause you to overeat because of the mindlessness of your eating. When you give up TV, you can focus fully on the food you eat and make meal times more pleasurable and fulfilling.

This will become like a brand new experience that's fresh, fun and exciting. you'll quickly forget about TV as you become more engaged with focusing on your food and enjoying the experience of eating. takeout up a new activity. You're never too old to set another goal to dream a new dream, such as improving your health by increasing your physical activity. Giving up TV is going to free up a significant amount of your time and this extra time is an excellent opportunity to take up a new activity There are countless activities you can use as an alternative to TV. And the exact activity you choose will depend on your personal preferences.

Many people complain that they don't have enough time to exercise. When you give up watching TV, you will suddenly have the time to start a regular exercise program such as walking, biking, yoga, and other physical activities you would not otherwise have done because you were busy watching TV. Work on reaching existing goals. If the thought of taking up a brand new activity doesn't appeal to you, you can also use the TV free time to work on any of your existing goals. now is the perfect time to start as giving up TV will open up more time in your life, which you can use to focus fully on your goals. Spend more time with your family or friends Here I am spending time with my lovely daughters.

One of the biggest complaints people have is that they don't spend enough time with their family, friends and loved ones. By giving them TV. You'll create that time and be able to spend more quality moments with the important people in your life. Spend more time in nature. If you're already enjoying the time spent nature, which was introduced in week two of your detox, you can use the time without TV to extend it and enjoying nature for even longer each day.

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