Hi guys, welcome back. Now let's set up WordPress in your dashboard. Go to Settings general. And here, choose the site title that you want on the tagline that you want. So the tagline is, when you visit site, I chose here there's not a WordPress website. Alright.
So that's the tagline and make sure that the WordPress addresses HTTP s. Make sure there's an S here, right. Okay, moving on. Let's go to permalinks. Now here in permalinks, select post name. Now, we don't want our links to show all these numbers because it it's not good for SEO. All right.
So select post name, and scroll down and save changes. All right. Yeah. Now, let's go to dashboard again. Run the WooCommerce setup wizard. All right, so let's do it from the setup wizard.
Yeah Where is your store based? So mine is based in India All right. So India 14 the address whatever what currency Do you walk? Do you accept payments and let me select two US dollars okay I What do you plan to sell? I am planning to sell only physical products so let me just select it and I will also be selling products or services No, I'm not going to do that. So, let's go Oh, I need to put address so 123 we just put the 36 hour and 11 ch or Andrea's name all right.
City Kolkata. Cool. No, Bangalore. Oh, this is just some actually actually 36 charmeleon. Is is a is a film I think it's a Bengali film. So yeah, this is some just some random address.
I'm putting out Karnataka. 561. So, yeah, let's go learn more about usage tracking. No, I don't want to do that. All right. Are you going to use PayPal?
If you are elected be on if you are not, then turn it off. Okay, now shipping zones so we have created two shipping zones for India and the rest of the world. No, let's just continue. We'll set it up later on. That rate just turn it off. Just turn it off.
Just we'll do it later on. Okay. Oh, we don't want MailChimp and Facebook right now. Let's continue. Yeah, check back we don't want that right suggestibility plugin don't don't use it. Skip the set up.
Okay, we are here to get tips for update. No, we don't want that. Hundred. We'll do it later on how visit dashboard review settings we can customize, let's just visit our dashboard. We got an update. So whenever you receive an update, it will show it here.
Okay, here and here so you can just click on it. Let me just open in a new tab. Okay, welcome to ocean WP. Are you ready to create an amazing website? I am ready to create an amazing website. Okay, so let's just run the setup wizard.
Get Started. I'm sorry for the dogs guys. Okay, what theme are we using? Actually, we will build a theme so this doesn't matter at all. You can choose anyone if you like, Okay, let me skip this skip step. Okay.
Logo if you have a logo. In future I'll tell you how to get a logo. But if you already have a logo, you can upload it from here. If you have a retina logo, etc. site title, tagline, whatever, again, the same things, the site I can. It's the thing that shows up here.
Let me show it to you. Let me open LinkedIn. Yeah, this thing that I think this is the site I can okay. So if you have that in 5125 by five and two pixels, you can upload it here primary color, our primary color, whatever, whatever. If you have a color scheme decided then you can put it here, but I will skip it for now. Okay, now get the extension bundle for free.
Whatever, no. Was it your website? Let's just see our website. Okay, this is our website. Next deals go back. Oh, what do you update what we got is new translations are available.
So let's just update the translations. Okay. All right. So is this will be all for this video, and I will see you in the next one. So bye.