All right Welcome back guys. Now we are almost done building our website only a few things are left for example, the sidebar is left and we have to create the tribe order add Contact Us page. Okay? Let us create contact us and track order pages first. Alright, so go back to dashboard and pages all pages here go to contact us page and edit with Elementor now search for ninja. Remember we we installed a plugin called ninja forms?
Select ninja form contact me Okay, let's preview this where I think we need to create this first. No, it's already here. Yeah. So anyway, this way you create the Contact Us page now We can edit this form. To do that, let's update this and go back to our dashboard and go to ninja forms. Not now.
Okay, let's edit this one a bit. Yeah. Advanced display settings display form title No, I don't want the form title. Clear successfully completed form yes hide successfully completed form yes advanced alright just go through all this if you want to change anything, then click on done and publish let's preview form okay. emails and actions to submission. Now if you want to change anything for example if you want to change a success message Just put, just change it here.
All right. Again, email notification. Where will the email go? You can change it here. All right. Okay, so yeah, similarly just go through all these settings.
It's not difficult really form fields. Okay? If you want to adjust all these, is this a required field? Yes, this is a required field display. default value if you want to put something here that is already there. Okay.
Similarly again for email, you can change it, label email. Is this a required field? Yes, it is. Right. Done. Okay, this looks okay to me.
Now. Let's go back and publish and close this. It was this. Yeah. If you want to make it smaller we need we can do that by going into Elementor Oh no. Oh no exit to dashboard, we need to go to pages all pages and contact us edit with element or pay select the section advanced and padding.
Let me unlink this and from left let me Port 50. And from the right let me Port 50. So what this does is it will make the form smaller. Now if you're wondering what the difference between margin and padding is the margin, it is the space outside of the section, alright and padding it is inside the section. So this is the boundary of the section. Anything outside is the margin.
Anything inside is the padding. All right. Now let's update this and preview changes. Okay, let's make it a bit smaller. Hundred. Okay, left 100 and from the top let me bring it 40 pixels down and preview.
Yeah, actually, let me just play around with it a bit now we can put another text before this so let me put it here for now. Okay sighs in order to media HTML tag h5, okay and left style, select the color black, okay, and we'll bring this up and wait a second let me put it in this and okay let me preview this No, let's put it on the left, go to advanced and from the padding from the left it make let's, let's make it 200. Okay, now let's preview. Yeah. Okay, so just add just this as per your liking. I think I'll leave this form at this point now.
All right, let me go back to dashboard. And let's create the track order page now. All right, all pages and go to track order. Now we need to search again for WooCommerce shortcode shortcodes are right here. Let's search for order tracking. Here it is WooCommerce order tracking.
Copy this and paste it here. Okay, update. Let's view the page. Here it is. We are done to track your order. Please enter your order ID in the box below.
Press the track button. Okay. Now, what we are left with this is the sidebar. All right, so in the next video let's create the sidebar. I'll see you there. Bye