All right, welcome back, guys. Now let us create our top header menu, this one, and the three bottom menus, the company support and orders and returns menu. All right. So let's go back to our dashboard. Go to pages, all pages. Yeah.
And let us add all these pages so I knew our story. Content layout, full weight, page title, a veto section, pardon me are invalid. And yeah, title, disable. All right, publish, publish. Okay, now, close this. From here, you can add another page.
So go to this place. Plus I can go to page and add about us. All right content layout, full weight, and title, disable, publish, publish. All right, again, team. So plus page and theme. Content layout hundred percent, full width, content layout, full width and title, disable, publish, and publish.
Alright guys. So let's go. I'll go ahead and make these. Okay, I'm just going to fast forward more now. Alright, now that we have created all our pages, let's go to Apple. menus and create our top bar menu.
Okay. So create a new menu, new page and top bar menu. Alright, and create menu. Okay, so click on top bar and add two pages which are my account, checkout and basket which is our cart page Add to Menu Okay, now add the My Account page once again was that's because our my account and login pages are actually the same pages okay. So let us change the label of one of these, one of these. So login slash sign up okay, Save Menu Okay, let's just view our website Here it is.
No Where is it? Yeah, here it is my account login, signup checkout and basket. Okay. Let us rename our basket page to cart page. All Pages lead page. Yeah.
Basket I don't like baskets. So quick update and cart again. cart. Okay, update. Yeah. Let us refresh this and got all right.
Yeah. Now let us create the bottom menus. So go to Appearance menus and create a new menu page. Now, let's see, company. Alright, so let's name this menu company. Okay.
Create menu and add the order story about our 70. Okay, so let's do that our story about US team Add to Menu. Yes, our story about assign team. All right. Now I will fast forward and add all these pages. Cool.
So you guys also go ahead and do that. All right, all our menus and pages are created. And we'll add all these footer menus later on when we will work on the widget section. All right. So that will be all for this video and I'll see you in the next one. Bye