Hello and Welcome to Introduction to meditation and mindfulness. This course is going to give you the basic information you need to start incorporating meditation and mindfulness into your everyday life. So, in this course, we're going to cover a variety of topics. We're going to talk about what mindfulness is, as well as some different mindfulness exercises that you can do every day. And we're going to talk about different types of meditation as well as the benefits of a meditation practice. As a bonus, I have included some guided meditations for various things like chakra healing and cord cutting, as well as grounding and protection that you will be able to find here in the course.
So, before we start, I want to quickly introduce myself and let you know who is teaching the course. My name is As Erica Russo and I am a psychic medium spiritual mentor and certified meditation teacher. I started a daily meditation practice back in 2016, just to kind of help me process my emotions a little better and to help with anxiety and just a very overactive mind. And since then my life has just completely transformed. I have seen so many positive benefits with a daily meditation practice. So I want to teach this kind of stuff to anyone who is interested in really learning how to use meditation and mindfulness as a tool for your everyday life.
So in the next section, we are going to talk about what mindfulness is, as well as a couple of really powerful, simple exercises that you can do. in your everyday life to incorporate mindfulness into it, I'll see you in the next section.