Okay, so, subtraction of negative numbers, we have a rule. Okay, here we go, change the sine of the number to be subtracted, and that's called the subtrahend. And then add using the addition rules in the preceding section. So if you look at this example here, we have seven minus a minus four, change the number of the change the sign of the number to be subtracted before and then add using the rules use in the preceding section. All right, so right here, this four becomes plus And we add four plus seven is 11. So my answer is 11 as I show you here, okay?
And I put a little note there, subtracting an a, a negative number is the same as adding a positive number as you can see there. Okay, let's look at the next one, a minus seven minus a minus four. Okay, change the sign of the number to be subtracted, which is called the subtrahend. The four, we change it to a plus, and then we add minus seven plus four is a minus three. All right, just follow the rules and we will be good. Alright, let's go on to the next slide.
Okay, let's, let's do one or two more, I'm going to do one or two more for you. And again, I'm just picking these out of my head. Let's do a 15 minus a minus seven. Okay? Now first of all, which is subtrahend. This guy here, seven.
So let's, let's read the rules, change the sign of the number to be subtracted the subtrahend, and then using the addition rules in the preceding section, all right, so it's going to be 15. I'm going to change the sign of the subtrahend from minus to plus, but I don't need to show the plus. Okay? All right, and I'm going to change the option Separation here from minus two plus. So 15 plus seven is 22. And that's my answer 22.
Okay, I can use a calculator to verify these answers. So I brought the calculator here. That's part of the Windows operating system. And let's, let's just verify this. So going back to the original one here, 15 minus a minus seven. Well, after we did our operations, we said that was a plus 22.
So let's go in here and try it. So I'm going to click in 15. My operation is minus. So he so I'm going to do that and I'm gonna subtract seven, but it is a minus seven. So I need to use the change sign here. And now I'm going to equally equals, which is 22 is what we got.
All right. Okay, so let's, let's look at this one here, a minus 15 minus a minus seven. All right, again, there's the subtrahend. And it still might still seven. So I want to change that sign. So we'll put a minus 15.
And then that goes from a minus to a plus even though again, I don't need to show the plus at the seven. And now I use addition. And now I just do the plane operation. So minus 15 plus eight. Using the rules from the previous example, I take the difference, and I have a minus eight as my answer. Okay, I brought the calculator down.
And let's see if we get we get the same number here. I'm going to clear it. So here we go. We're going down. Let me just move this. Can I move that calculator?
Will it move for me? There we go. Let's try to yet so I can still see them. So I can still see the answer as I do this. All right, well, we will know it's a minus eight. Okay, so I'm going to leave it over here.
So I'm going to plug in 15. Change signs cuz it's a minus. Okay, I'm gonna Subtract a seven, but the seven also is, is minus, and I'm going to equal 18. So we have a minus eight, just like we have right there. So we verify that answer. So minus 15 minus a minus seven is a minus eight.
Okay, here's a few examples for you to do. Stop the presentation, do them. And then when you're ready, hit the continue button. answers on the next slide. Okay, here are the answers. Eight minus five is three.
Minus five minus a plus eight is 13. minus five minus a minus eight is three. All right. Ah, In this section, I've given you more examples in the resource section. So download them, do them on the next slide. You'll have a help number. Give me a call.
All right, we've got one more lecture on this section. Multiplying and division of negative numbers.