All right, let's start talking about multiplying and dividing a fraction by a whole number. And it's basically the same thing as we talked about multiplying fractions and dividing fractions previously. Okay? But here's the deal. So for instance, I say here I want to multiply two thirds by four. Okay, so here we go two thirds times four.
All I do is put a one under the whole number, as we show here. That's it. All right, because the value of that number doesn't change, because four over one is one divided into four, and that's four. So when I put a number one Underneath the whole number, the whole number does not, does not change. So, here we go. We're going to multiply two times four, and that's eight.
Three times one is three. So my number is eight, over three or eight thirds. All right, that is what we call an improper fraction. an improper fraction is defined where the numerator is equal to or greater than the denominator. So for instance, eight, eight over three, the numerator is definitely larger. So what do I need to do?
I need to change that into a proper fraction which I'm showing you Here, and then when I do is done I divide the denominator into the numerator, like I'm showing you right there. All right, I'm gonna do that out. Okay, so 233 goes in day two times. Two times three is six, and I have two. So basically I have three with a remainder of two thirds. All right, that's my answer.
That is called a mixed number. Because I have a whole number and a proper fraction, that fraction is now proper, because my numerator is less than my denominator right here. All right. So again, when I multiply or divide a fraction by a whole number, I take that whole number, and I put a one under it, and then I follow the rules as we did previously, where we multiply or divide fractions. All right, let's go on to the next slide we're going to talk about, I'll show you how to divide a fraction by a whole number dividing that Alright. Okay, hey, before we go on, I just want to correct something here, that is not three right there, this is two and two thirds, all right.
So that again, that should not be three is the correct number right there. All right, or the correct answer, I should say. Okay, seeing next slide section. All right. Basically, when we deliver vied we were kind of doing the same thing. If you remember back when we talk about dividing fractions.
What did I do? I flipped the divisor, right? I'm going to do the same thing here. So if you look at this example, divide two thirds by four. All right, so two thirds divided by four. Here's my whole number four.
What do I do? I put a one in the denominator on one is placed in the denominator, and I have it right here. All right, then what did we do before we flipped it? Okay, we flipped it. And then we multiplied so I flip it here, and then I multiply. All right.
Two times one is two. Three times four is 12. I've got two times What do I want to do now, I want to put that in the simplest form which we talked about. All right? And so I can use to, alright, so when I want to reduce two twelves to the simplest form, what I do to the numerator I got to do to the denominator. So, two goes into two, the numerator two goes into two up here one time.
So there's one and two divides into 12. Six times. So my simplest form is one sixth. That's the answer, I'm going to introduce a new a new word called reciprocal. So when I have a one over a whole number, that is the reciprocal of the whole number. So if For instance, we had four, the reciprocal of four is one over four.
The reciprocal of of nine is one over nine. The reciprocal of 300 is one over 300. All right, so, again, we've learned something, I've introduced a new term. That said, basically, this is multiplying and dividing a fraction by a whole number. We still use the same rules as we did when we multiplied and divided by fractions. We just know how to use it or we know how to work with whole numbers now.
Okay, let's go on to the next slide. Okay, let's up. Let's take a few minutes here and do these six exercises on this side. I have a fraction and a whole number we want to multiply it on this side here I've got a fraction and a whole number that we need to divide. So again, multiply and divide them, and then put them into simplest form. All right.
So what I suggest you do is you hit the pause button. You do these, and then when you continue, you'll see the answers on the next slide. Okay, here are the answers. One, six times three is a half, three fifths times five is three to seven times three is six seventh, and on this side, one third divided by three is one ninth, three fifths divided by three is 320 527 divided by three is 220. ones. Okay, if you have any questions you need help. You'll notice that I have a health number on the beginning of my slide and at the end of the prayer and and at the end of the sections, give me a call.
We'll try to help you out. And that's it. So we're going to wrap this section up, and we're going on to adding and subtraction of fractions in the next section. see you over there.