Today I am going to discuss about an automation of job application. While you are applying on a job the most difficult part is writing that job application and how you should formulate that job application. So in this lesson, I'm going to show you some examples and some of the tips on how to format your job application. Okay, now in the next lesson, or in the resources of this lesson lesson, you should see all the links to all the best job applications. And also I'm going to share with you a template for job application Okay, so you can use that in your job application. Now what are the key points in a good job application number one is that it is direct and relevant.
If you are using a template and copying pasting one job application to like hundred jobs, then you are ruining your chance of getting hired. Okay, so keep it direct, keep it relevant. customize it according to the job description. Don't use a single template and copy paste for everything. job you apply on when you try to attach some work samples or your work links, they should be relevant. One more tip is that you should try to give your skype ID while applying in your job application that you can communicate with me You should tell the client that you can openly communicate me discuss your project with me, something like that.
Okay. Second thing is that when you are giving your attaching your relevant work samples, give them proper titles, okay, like web design landing page design for crypto rate agency or something like that. So the client knows what they are trying to open, okay? Just don't just copy paste three or four links and don't the client don't know what they are going to open, whether it's a spam link or whatever it is. Okay. Now the key takeaways from this section is only attach three best relevant work samples to your job application.
Don't overwhelm your client if they require more than three then Attach more than three otherwise just limit your work samples to the best three work samples read the whole job description carefully with detail before applying on any job I have seen this mistake by a lot of newbie freelancers, they don't read the full description and they just keep on applying on different jobs. So try to avoid it. Now the second most important part is that you should show them that they need you okay. So how you are going to show them that show interest and curiosity in their job okay. Show them that you are eager to go do their job you take interest this work and this is a very interesting project. Okay.
Also try to show them similar projects you have done in the past similar projects means that similar to the project you are applying on okay? In one or two lines, tell them that you are expert in designing website coding WordPress websites basically what they want okay. Tell them that you are the expert on the topics or the solutions your client need. So the key takeaways from this section are that show them you have command in your skill you are really skilled in those areas, let them trust you and your skills, okay? It can build the trust their trust that you are really competent in those areas. Also, showing interest in curiosity in their job is a key factor to get hired easily.
Okay, while writing your job application, you should focus on the pain of your client, okay, after introducing yourself, just hit the pain point of your client, Okay, tell them about the problem. They are having no hint of your solution. Like you can see if they have a link to their website and they need it to be improved. You can tell them in two or three lines that I have seen your website and it seems that it's loading speed or images are very heavy, it takes like 10 seconds to load I can easily improve this loading speed of your website. And I can decrease the bounce rate and increase conversions of your current users and new users coming to your website. This is basically you are giving them a solution of the pain of your client.
Now there are few things you need to mention while applying in your job application okay so when you are applying on any job never ever lie it without your ability availability and estimated cost okay. Most of the clients then need to know what are the estimated cost before they are going to hire you okay. So give them some estimated cost maybe some range cost, okay. It can be number of hours to complete that task or a flexible cost like it will be like 300 to $500 to create a WordPress website okay. Also tell them that I am Available from Monday 28 September and it will take me five days to complete this job. So you are also estimating your timeline, okay.
Don't give them false style timeline. Give availability and timeline and estimated cost that you can easily meet. Okay, so these are all the tips you need for a job application. So let's move on to the next lesson and in the resources of this lesson, make sure you download the templates and the links to the best job applications I have collected for you. Okay, now let's move on to the next lesson.