Hi, everybody, Professor Paul here, welcome back, here's a great bonus tip for you, this will be worth the price of the course by itself. I don't understand why all these courses are out there to teach you how to get YouTube views, how to go ahead and make money on youtube, but they don't teach you how to monetize it, or the way that they're having you monetize it, is simply to get YouTube views and then get enough views you know, your thousand subscribers and your 4000 hours of watch time, simply so you can get paid by YouTube, YouTube advertisers, those little annoying ads, that will end up being about five or 10% of your income. Max, if you use the system that I'm using all the big advertisers, all the big gurus, all the influencers, they use this system, they never tell you about it, but this is what they're doing.
So let's jump right into it. To show you the secret sauce, these people are gonna be so mad at me. I give away everything because I don't make all my income off of YouTube. So I can give away all the Guru's secrets. I don't care. But I want to make sure that you make out well.
So I want you making money. You having a good time, you getting seen out there you being seen as an authority, somebody very special in your field and making a good steady income from this. Now there's a lot of different ways you can make income obviously selling your own products doing Pay Per Click doing offers all kinds of different things. But one of the best ways to do it is get hooked up with a CPA network, CPA networks. What are they? a CPA network is the intermediary which connects the advertiser with one or many publishers.
For every lead generated this way. The advertiser has to pay the publisher, that's you and the CPA network. So basically what you're doing is you're doing an affiliate model, you're talking about something, your topic. I'll give you an example. There was a gentleman, and he said, Boy, I don't know what I'm going to talk about, I really don't have any expertise in anything. But then he, he hit upon, he said, Oh, but I've been sober for six years now.
So what he did was, he took all the best ways to get sober that he had found, and he did a little video on each strategy, each tool, each technique, each thing that was helpful for him in his life. So we started doing this kind of a fun thing, just to put out the universe. So you know, this is not the garden, you know, make everybody happy to kind of pay it forward and just do a nice thing. But he started getting a lot of traction with his YouTube site. He started going viral. He was using some of the strategies and tools that I've been talking about in this whole training.
So he did fantastic. And then what he did is he wanted to monetize it. So we tried doing you know, like some Amazon affiliate stuff he tried. So that's a little Clickbank offers, you know, he'd make $1 here and there but it wasn't any real money. Then he found In the CPA networks, and they would pay up to say, two $300. If you could get somebody to call a rehab, okay?
Because rehabs might cost, you know, anywhere from 20,000 to $80,000. So they would pay, I think he I think the most he ever got was like $675. For one phone call, the person actually came to the program. You got the phone call to them, boom, that was your commission. So he went from making, you know, maybe 50 cents to $1 50 to maybe 10 bucks for each click to getting up to seven $675 per click. So what he did was, that was his Max, but he raised his average.
So he was getting like 50 to $100. Every time somebody took an action, boom, they click the link, they made the phone call. They went to the website, whatever they did, he made the money. Now, that's called CPA network marketing. So what is CPA network marketing CPA stands for cost per action when the customer Does something. So CPA cost per action marketing is an affiliate model where commission is paid when a user takes a specific action.
What are those actions, these actions include filling out a form, getting a quote, signing up for a trial, or making a purchase, or in his case was a phone call. So there's a lot of different ways to do it. And you don't have to do anything. They click on your link and they take the specific action, fill out a form, buy something, make a phone call, whatever you're done, you don't have to fulfill anything, ship anything, and the money will just literally show up in your PayPal account. So all you've got to do is track it. That's it.
Boom. So what are some of the best sites let's jump into that. I used Mac's bounty max bounty is one of the larger ones they're a little bit hard to get into. You may want to try some of the a little bit less known ones. Click booth here. You can see here click booth.
Calm, Max, bounty, calm. So, this is the number one CPA network worldwide. So they're the biggest. But there's other ones you simply put in CPA networks in Google and these will come up pure fly, join the fastest growing affiliate network in the world. If they're the fastest growing then they're not the biggest but they want to get people in rapidly they want to get a lot of affiliates why not doesn't cost them anything to have an affiliate. If you only make one sale, then you disappear.
All you cost them with some electrons, okay? That's zero dollars, but they made $1 off of you are $100 off you boom, one shot. And if you're that one person in 100, that makes them you know, a couple hundred thousand dollars a year. They're thrilled when you make a few million dollars a year. So starting out with someplace like pier fly and then working your way up to max bounty and then getting into click booth. That's a great way to do it.
Because once they say, hey, you've had some sales you've been on a pier fly, they accepted you once you're accepted with one company, you're sexy To all the other ones, get accepted two or three and there's virtually nobody that won't take you. So, go through, try different companies until you get accepted, then get another one and another one and another one. Now you can go to virtually any company, pick through the offers, I recommend that you go with a higher based offer, find something that will make you at least 20 bucks 20 bucks to maybe 200 bucks, CPA. So when they take that action, you make 20 to 200 bucks, don't do the 50 cent ones don't do the small ones, you'll think well I'll get more of those are those are easier to get, actually they're not easier to get and they pay less. And if you think about it, if I make one $200 sale, I would have to make $201 sales, making 200 sales is horribly hard.
Making one that's easy. See how the math works. So that's your tip for today. Great way to monetize your YouTube videos. To make a fortune, that's the way the real gurus do it. That's the way I want you to do it so you can make a massive amount of money and be massively successful.
Thanks so much. My name is Professor POM with advanced ideas. You can check us out at my advanced ideas calm and I'll see you in my very next training.