Hey, welcome back, we've got another great free bonus for you. This one is going to help you get more traffic, more customers and better search engine ranking within YouTube and Google. So what is it? It's called pilot poster. It's a pilot poster calm you can see the website appear highlighted for you. Now what does it do?
What it does is it allows you to post to hundreds of Facebook groups at once. Now I'm going to tell you a little bit of a safety factor that you want to use. You'll want to schedule this to drip feed it otherwise you'll get blocked by Facebook. Facebook is getting very sensitive to these types of things. But I gotta tell you, the price is great. They marked it down to free so you can get a free signup.
I believe there is an upgrade. You can check on that. But this will do all the basic things that you want to do. So you can get out there and find in your topic area, a bunch of groups. Go ahead and just signup form, go ahead and join them, click the Join button, they'll start coming through, and then list those in this system. Go ahead and take some post some videos from your YouTube, pop it into this system and have a drip feed it.
Maybe once an hour 24 seven around the clock, let it run for a week or something. or once every half hour, go ahead and post to a group post to a group post to a group. If you do it every half hour, you probably won't get busted by the system. That'll be what 48 in a 24 hour period. If you're nervous about it go for an hour, that's probably the most conservative or going on one minute, you'll get like what 39.9 I'm sorry, 23.9 you know, videos out there, perfect in one single day. Multiply that by seven, you're gonna have what?
Hundred and 75 videos, something like that somewhere around there. If you're getting 25 a day, boom. So that's a lot of videos going out there into the universe and what this does is It creates more audience, more view times more subscribers, more comments, more shares, more likes more everything that you need to get to the top of the search engines in YouTube. And it's getting you backlinks from all these different groups within YouTube. from Facebook, which is a high PR high PageRank site, customers coming into YouTube, can you imagine how much YouTube likes that? They love it.
They hate it when you leave their site, and they love it when you bring audiences in. That's exactly what you're doing. Use the system sign up. It's absolutely free, use it appropriately and you will be at the top of the YouTube search engines. I'll see you in the next training.