Hello, everybody, welcome back to the second dashboard in this video, as promised, let's get the percentage result of the number of employees. What I'm trying to determine over here is what will be India's ratio of employment compared to the entire world. So let's see. So what is the contribution that India provides for employment as compared to the rest of the world to see that we use the number of India's employees divided by the summation of the entire number of employees. So, when we select the whole data do remember that this reference has to be constant. So, we select the entire reference and pressing f4 to make the row constant.
Or there's another easy way we can simply select and in one of the previous videos we already learned how to create a name range from the selection. Select the data and from formula Create from selection you can use the heading as the base click on OK automatically now the reference is named number of employees so rather than just giving a reference you can say number of employees and that will in turn select the range directly. Once done, click Enter. Now by default it should give you this particular format that is the number format. So format this as a percentage before dragging it down home tab just click on the drop down under formatting, that is number formatting and select percentage with two decimals and it will in turn show the answer into decimals whether percentage as a result, Once done, just drag down and there is the answer.
If we change the numbers, for instance, now it's 2012. If we try the result for 2013, the percentages do change and the relevant answer also now if you put in 2014, there it is. And 2015 two Doesn't 16 So based on whichever year the user inputs based on that the data itself gives a responsive answer. Now this is the data that we have created. The dashboard will also react to the answers. In the next video, we will see how to even simplify this particular formatting.
That's a bit complex and indirect and how to convert this complexity into a very simple and easy to understand format. Till then keep practicing. See you in the next video. Thank you