Hello, everybody. Welcome back to the third dashboard. Here I've done some calculations, like we already did in the previous video, like four average. So I've used the average over here that is average ifs irfs. And using a combination of if. So the condition is as such, if the statement says all then just take the previous average because it will be the same.
If not, then use average ifs and based on that, get the total of the salary by job type. That's provided over here, now based on the country from the country. Now, once done, I click OK. Ctrl, enter, and there it is. That's the result that we get. Now let's try that for minimum. As in one of our previous videos we did, we've covered minimum F and maximum maps.
So I'll be doing that quickly over here. Okay, let's get started. So now that's for men if now we'll do that for Mac stuff as well. So there it is. So many effin max if are done, I'll do the same for min ifs with conditions and Max ifs with conditions, we'll use the multiple parameters. So currently, we'll be looking for minimum in finance with a country that's selected.
And again, it will take a minute, so I'll complete the formula and explain to you so there it is. Ctrl, Shift, enter, and I do get the result. This time I'm not going to repeat the entire formula. So I'll Just copy the formula and paste it into the cell in the place of men, I put max Ctrl Shift Enter, drag it down. And there it is. As you can see, currently the answers are a little bit different because I've selected India and if I selected all the answer will not change because I have to add another formula.
But still we can see the rest of the results remain the same so I'll complete this part. In the next video we will see how to create a chart of this particular table. Till then keep practicing. See you in the next video. Take care